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hmmm Im stumped....

bishop76's picture

Little long.....I made the appearance for DH at his family gathering because he was on call and couldn't/wouldn't attend. This years gifts were bought and paid for mainly by me and my time spent shopping for them. He did not help just assumed I would do it. So I traspied to the gathering place put presents under the tree and thought that was that. However I am now told I addressed the labels wrong. I put DH name and mine on them only. Children are 16, 19, and 21....the 21 year old didn't even bother to show. The "children" didn't offer to help shop or help pick out presents I am not splitting hairs over who's name is on the label. They made numerous comments how it was shifty and I was a bitch for not putting their names on the gifts too. Read last blog and you'll see they didn't even buy their father a card for Christmas but were there with hands out for their money. Anyway after that the girls snuck out to garage and found their way to the bottom of a wine bottle. This is somehow now my fault because they got drunk because they were mad a me!!!!! Seriously? I am not their mother because if my children acted like this there would be hell to pay. Never take responsibility for their actions always someone else's fault.....blab blab blab over them and the family. NEVER again will I do another nice thing for the ingrates. Sorry for the vent.


Totalybogus's picture

The only words you should say to them is "GET A JOB.". They are more than old r Pugh to get their own gifts for family.