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AMAZING idea for the next time your much too old sbrat lays all over your DH making u want to puke!!!!

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

I bet this will end their creepy a$$ behavior!!!! Esp for the boys, girls might have to be a little older... And the best part is YOU WILL NOT BE ACCUSED OF BEING EVIL SM FROM ANYONE (except maybe sbrats) It's such a grand idea. Why didn't I think if it before?!!!

Ok so next time you're much too old sbrats lay all over your DH,making u want to hurl... Bust out your camera. Say "Aww u two are so sweet..." Snap a few pics of their disgusting behavior. And the next time their friends come over, u see their friends, family, ect. Make sure to have the picture in a frame sitting out, or in your wallet, ect. (This will totally work to embarrass DH AND the sbrats) Bust that pic out infront of everyone and say in your kindest, most sincere yet best baby voice ever... " Awww isn't sbrat the most sweetest, loving little thing ever?? Sbrats such a mushy wushy when it comes to hers daddyyy. It's just like when she was a wittle babyyyy wayyy beee. Daddyyy and his wittle babyy are just the cutest don't ya think??" The last sentence maybe a little over the top but I am soooo going to try this!!!!! I bet DH's friends will think "WTF..... A little weird and too close for comfort" and SS's friend will be bound to make SS a laughing stalk for his baby behavior!!! Kids can be very cruel. I'm almost tempted to pop a bottle in SS's mouth just for the picture!!!! I cannot wait to see SS's and DHs face when I bust out this pic. I bet u all a million dollars they will both die of humiliation and then they will see how disturbing this crap truly is. I bet SS never lays in my DHs lap again!!! Lmao!!!

What do u ladies and gents think??? Too mean?? Will it work?? I know its bound to work with SS's friends. I know it will work on DH. What about yours? Do you think this will be the perfect antidote for their illness? Or would your DH start bragging and saying how cute sbrat is? I do feel its worth a shot. Def worth the look on sbrats face when I show his friends!!! Lol.


StubbornEnough's picture

Charging up my camera! I bet all the other cops will LOOOVVVEEEE pics of Hubby Wubby and snitchy Witchy canoodling!

Anywho78's picture

YES!!! Make sure to have "daddy & snookums cuddling...SOOOOOOOOOOOOO SWEET!!!" or "Awwwwwww! Goes to show they never grow out of needing those great cuddles with daddy" under the photo's...

Auteur's picture

I'm sure at least the youngest, Prince Hygiene, (SS who will be nine in less than a week) will be coming back this year. And he'll be doing just that. And I will have my camera at the ready for the "revealing photos"

Of course GG (biodad) has ZERO friends and practically no one comes over. AND the fact that his family has pretty much all taken the Behemoth's (BM) side. AND the fact that he forbids me to post anything related to the royal family online.

There's always my work colleagues, though.

Goincrazy40's picture

So I told FDH this morning that I thought this was weird and he said I was a jerk. He thinks it is "sweet" that his son -twelve- still wants to cuddle with him.


I said next time maybe I will take a picture for FSS's friends and we will let them decide how "sweet" it is. I don't think FDH is speaking to me now. Of course it is hard to tell. He ran to the store to get donuts for FSS.

Did I say BARF?

Lalena75's picture

"AND the fact that he forbids me to post anything related to the royal family online."
Screw that I'd be all I'm an adult you do not tell me what I can and can't do! post them anyway.

Auteur's picture

Here is the visual you should get for biodad I live with (GG)

1930s burly farmer alcoholic temper guy who is "the boss" and has no problem backhanding the wife to keep her "under control."

Of course he was NEVER like this with the golden uterus as his MIL (the Wookie) kept him in line.

Needless to say I'm proceeding with my rather complex exit plan.

As you can see his "ban" is not working; witness the mere fact that I continue to post on this forum for almost six years now.

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

FACEBOOK!!! Yes!!!! I thought you all would get a kick out of this!!! I sure did bust up laughin when it just popped in my head. See there's a lot of things that just "POP" into my head about how to "defend" myself or just get a good ol laugh at sbrat, DH and BM of course at their expense. I actually spend quite some time doing this... Lol. I know I am not crazy and that this behavior from these nutjobs is NOT normal. Annnd I'm pretty sure lots of other people will agree with me. See I don't want to just post it on FB bc I want to SEE their faces when they see how these weirdos I live with act. AND I want to see SS's and DH's face when they see their friends' faces. LMAO it will be truly PRICELESS!