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So proud right now

daisy0202's picture

DH just called me again....took my advise from awhile ago and called for apt for SD to start some therapy....OMG its about time. I have been telling him for awhile with all her issues she is having, all the anxiety she says she is having, and all the illnesses which when goes to Dr. theres nothing wrong, she should be in some kind of therapy. At the time i told him this he became a little upset and said I was saying this because I was in the medical field...OK what does that have to do with anything but whatever..So never mentioned it again...Well at the time I told him this I gave him 3 names with numbers for who could help...Guess he kept it and called. Told them what was going on and she has an apt. I think she really needs this and maybe will help out all issues.....God I hope so...Fingers crossed!!!!


daisy0202's picture

Well my DH was totally against it but sees first hand SD needs it so thank god!!!! I hope it works..