BF screwed up big time
so, sd13 wants an ipod. thats all she asked for this year (good thing cause she's been horrible). anyway, she wants the latest model, which isnt cheap. we found one for 189, and had the money to do it, but it would have left us short till next payday (2weeks away). i told bf she needs to settle for an ipod we found at a pawn shop for 50.
what does he do? uses his grandmothers credit card and orders one! we have the number cause a few months back she helped us with a couple bills, and i though bf shredded it afterwards. guess not.
his grandmother is really sick right now, and so bf's mother has been handling the finances up north. apparently bf didnt think that the bank would call his gma to verify the purchase, since we live down south but the payment is technically comin form up north....his mother is LIVID.
she calls ME and starts screaming at ME. im like 'i had no clue he did that, scream at HIM'. when i asked him about it, he said he was desperate and figured they wouldnt find out till next month. im like 'dont u think i would have wondered where this 250 ipod bundle came from?'
i suspect he is giving bm money through sd.
Wow, what an ass
Wow, what an ass
me too, i let him have it
me too, i let him have it after i got off the phone with his mom and he was like 'well if it was for bd5 u would be ok with it' im like, NO cause its WRONG to steal. not my fault he waited til the week before christmas to think about getting sd's gift to where we didnt have the money for it. he KNEW i was having no part in getting for her, he should have done it himself.
thats what i asked about, and
thats what i asked about, and his mother said she doesnt know what she is gonna do about this and i told her to leave my name out of it cause i had no idea about it. she said she doesnt think she will press charges but she is thinking about cutting him out of the will. she is also thinking of cutting him out of her life. i mean, i agree with her because he totally took advantage.
the funny part? his mother said all he had to do was ASK to use the card!
too bad fraud charges weren't
too bad fraud charges weren't pressed against him-i would IN A HEARTBEAT!
please tell me YOU shredded the information???
He had to borrow money to
He had to borrow money to pay his bills then he commits fraud to buy a gift. His mother must be very proud of him.
I hope she disputes the
I hope she disputes the charge as unauthorized!!
Then spoiled Princess won't get her high end Ipod. Make sure that YOU have separate finances from spendaholic guilty daddy as well. Make sure he has ZERO access to your accounts!!
Tell BF about CRAIGSLIST!!
Yes, if he will steal from
Yes, if he will steal from his own grandmother, he'll steal from OP as well.
where's the "like" button? i
where's the "like" button?
i just hope op shredded this stuff FOR him omg!