SS Dad and New Baby
I had a baby in August. SS of 7 is with us every other week for a full week. In the beginning SS was real excited about her and would give her attention and be concerned of her needs. Lately the tables have turned. SS has gotten real needy. I understand that every kid probably goes through this phase but now it is rubing off on Dad. yesterday SS was over the top. Dad had to get his full attention. And Dad gave it. I am yet to hear, Not now, baby needs fed. Or baby needs diaper changed, you get the picture. Whatever SS needed, wanted, etc....Dad was right there to give it. It was pretty much baby and me AND me doing it all for baby until SS went to bed. It was so bad that I was even in Baby's room rocking her, Dad came in and it ended up being SS in Dad's arms on the floor. When I finally told Dad to get SS to bed so baby can fall asleep. SS got up kissed Dad and nothing to baby and I. I said something tonight to husband of SS's behavior and of course he defended him and didn't see any of it. I'll be damned if I will let this continue every week. It has gone as far as Dad signed up SS for a wrestling tournament on a day that he was suppose to be with Mom. Husband came home from wrestling practice and asked what we had going on the 28th. I reminded him of baby's Dr. appointment that was even written in his planner. I got the remark that I want son to do this tournament and I already cleared it with his Mom. (Believe I have a entire different blog about how Dad now makes plans with BM and then tells me later but like I said that is a whole different blog) Dad is not willing to miss Dr. appointment and he wanted me to see if I can change it. Well i can't, appointments are booked (her appointment was made 2 months ago)specifically on a time Dad could be there too. I then suggested for Dad to leave tournament (Mom will be there to watch son) and his response was, "If son gets award, I want to be there." Dad hasn't made one appointment yet. BUT made every one of son's.
I understand you can get men to see this, especially when it is me critizing son's behavior. But also I will not let this continue. Any thoughts??????
- Elle36's blog
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I've got one...
Leave baby there with Dad for the day and take off... that will get his attention- baby needs him too... Hell, make it a weekend, seriously. I know that some mothers have a hard time with this, but not only is it good for Dad, it's good for the baby... to know that Mom goes away, but she does come back.
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
Many men
in reality don't think that "baby rearing" is their job. They truly don't. If you were to ask men (before the baby is conceived) what exactly their role is in taking care of young children, if they really answered honestly, they would say that the mom does most of the work. Believe me, I have asked male friends this question & that is the response I got from many. If young women only knew...
We women need to ask more questions... and very direct questions before saying I do, and before having children. I think their responses would shock us. They really think differently than we do. Obvioiusly there are exceptions, but that is what I have found. I don't know how much this helps, but it might give you a different perspective from which to proceed with your problem.