What to do about In laws who are monsters?
So my in-laws acted like they LOVED me for the first couple of years that my husband and I dated. Then they blew up our wedding (last June) and said that they'd been "defending" us to the family (DH's 2 sisters and 1 brother) who have been cold for our entire courtship. One sister has been a bitch since MIL invited me for our first date which happened to be her wedding. I ended up taking care of the skids who were out of control at the time and saved her from a disaster of a wedding because of that. Apparently she thought it was too soon for her brother to be dating so told everyone but my DH that she didn't want me there. Second sister I'm not sure when she started hating me, she's given several stories, none of which make sense. Brother held it together until he came to our wedding and verbally attacked the minister/my older cousin.
Come to find out that in-laws told their adult kids that my DH "met some girl online and he moved to (my city) abandoning the family...again!!!" MIL didn't see how what she said was flat out mean, MIL and FIL now deny they said it (even though we both heard it face to face) and they're turning the entire event on us as though we ruined our own wedding. (background, met my husband 12 years ago, didn't meet him online as though that would even matter).
Bottom line is I'm dealing with jealousy. They're jealous he lives in my state and my parents get to be primary involved grandparents. They've tried to PAS me to my DH which has been interesting because it makes him want less to do with them and the only reason he agreed to let them come to visit (the kids) is that they agreed to go to counseling with him. (they don't know yet that it'll be just them and his counselor).
They've called me every name under the sun and given him the distinct impression that he can get 'back in the family' if only he acknowledges that things are my fault and he kisses everyone's ass. That's not going to happen. He is taking very small steps with phone calls where he calls the shots and ends the call when they get down on me or start rehashing things.
So, my husband calls them Thanksgiving and his folks talk to the kids, the bitch sisters talk to the kids, they make a big deal about watching the T-day parade (which we don't watch) and said to "tell your dad we'll call the day before next year and remind you to watch". They don't even ask to speak to their son and say Happy Thanksgiving.
We get a Hallmark card in the mail the other day with the "XXX family" addressed on the outside, his name, mine, and the kids with this "accross the miles" b.s. message ala Hallmark and then "love XXX". WTF??? How passive aggressive can you be??? I think I used the word offensive and offended about 20 or so times because that's what I am. They have not spoken to me, apologized for ruining my wedding weekend or the horrible behavior of their children and they send me an effing Thanksgiving card to our family as though they acknowledge us as a family??? On the DAY of our wedding his father actually told my DH, "she's not even family".
I know this leaves a lot of backstory out but they'll be here in two weeks and I'm pissed. DH and I agreed to talk with DH's counselor about the card, but I just hate these people. If I didn't feel like it would hurt my husband to completely drop his family I wouldn't have pushed for him to stay in touch with them but man alive would I like to go off on them once and for all.
Anyone else have shitty Family In Law they'd like to share about?