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Another breakdown by BM and SS

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I just can't seem to handle the two of them anymore. SS will be 7 soon and he really is the best manipulative kid I've been around. He lies constantly to me and DH then goes with BM and gets spoiled rotten. We don't tell BM about incidences because we want the least amount of contact with her as possible.
Friday night our little town had a carnival. SS wasn't allowed to go because Thursday night he acted like he was brushing his teeth by leaning into the mirror so we couldn't see him behind the wall. I knew what he was doing and waited for him to walk out. Well he did and knew he was caught. So he lost his chance for carnival. BM picks him up and lets him play with his friend, goes to the toy store and all glorious stuff because i know that kid always acts good so he can be spoiled by her. I have a deep down feeling that the kid doesn't like me because i was a stepkid and i know how to play things.

Now BM is a total other nutcase. DH tells me last night that at the dropoff where BM told DH that she loved him and he was a good guy and blah blah blah...she also told him that if they would have communicated better they would still be together. BM hates me and gave me the nastiest look at dropoff this week. So i'm polite and it gets under her skin. She is so up and down that I really can't handle it anymore and then to hear that she says things like this to my husband who she has been divorced from for 5 years and been with another man for 3 years it really makes me bonkers. Then to have to put up with her rotten spoiled child?!?! My happiest times are at work and when the kid isn't with us. DH is great but he has put his kid on a pedistal for so long and ruined relationships because his ex is crazy.

My thought is she cheated and left to do her thing and hoped that DH would still be alone then to come back when she was done with school and live happily ever after. I ruined that plan and she is pissed and DH is on my side so she is pissed.

I'm losing my mind yet again and obviously don't like her and he kid is getting real close to that point.