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My step son

Hush's picture

I recently got married. My husband of 2months has a 6 year old son. He rarely comes over but his bio mother is always calling my husband for attention to his child. This situation is driving me crazy. I hate his son and i him too. I feel all alone. I feel i came btw the bio mother, the son and father. I really feel getting married to my husband has made my relation worse. Help as im losing my head.


wooloo's picture

When you marry someone who has a child from a previous relationship, you aren't marrying only them, you're also marrying the child in a way.
I don't understand why you would get married in the first place if you have all these feelings? Especially twards your future SS?
Does your husband know you have these feeling? I guess all I can suggest is to try to talk it out, not yell or complain.
But really, don't try to come between a father and his kid! To make it a 'it's me or you child' situation is so not cool. And think about it, do you really want to be with a man who would pick someone over their child?!

newmom01's picture

I understand where you are comin from, but the diffrence between us is that none of mine started till AFTER we got married, then all of the EXTRA nights over started. Its bad enough we had a nice/expensive wedding so that meant no honeymoon!!!! We spent one night in a nice hotel on the beach and headed home.

The follwing week all hell broke lose, she needed him to take the kids here and there and she kept getting sick so he had to go get them. My dh was seeing his kids every other weekend when we met, but none of the EXTRA stuff started till right after we got married.

Im three years in now!

And I keep tellin people when they bash me like they are bashing you on here by saying "you dont want him to take care of his kids"

Thats not it, You/I had a choice, I saw the amount of time they were over while we were dating and said to myself that this is something tha I could handle, BUT when we got married things changed ....and quickly

I did not have kids, so taking on two the way she was throwing them on us started to eat away at me.... But it also made me go ahead and have our own kids too, cause I said to myself of course I want kids, but I was going to wait to enjoy being newlyweds !!!! Well hell since I have kids in my face almost everday NOW! I might as well have my own so I did ! No dh is so tired he cut out all the EXTRA errand runnin for BM and just keeps them on his weekends ...unless there is A REAL EMERGENCY

shielded2009's picture

I think the op needs to come back to clarify...There's too much hanging out there...and this sentence...

"I hate his son and i him too."

What does that mean???

I think between the lack of back info, and the grammatical errors, it's hard to actually give help or advice...

newmom01's picture

echo, please calm down I am not pointing a finger at you, I understand how it can look that way since you were the only one that said something similar, but We posted our comments fairly early, which meant that she may get get more comments later from people telling her that she is a bad person for not wanting her husband to take care of his kids.

I said that because I have seen it happen to others on here before telling them to "wait and see when you and dh break up, how would you feel if he did not come see his kids he had with you" type of comments.... I was just telling her not to pay attention to it or feel bad.

Its not that serious