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New SM having major issues.. just need to know I am not alone.

wonderland0819's picture

MY Dh has 3 kids. Who up until recently I can say I have loved very much. Their mom walked out on them a few years ago, and I was the only serious relationship after her. (the only one who had any major contact with the kids too) So I knew this was going to be hard. But at least, they didn't have a ton of women who had come and gone throughout those years. His sister was helping to take care of the kids pretty much nannying when I met him. Well, as life would have it, she met someone, and moved accross the country to be with them on very short notice. (Really great role model right?) and DH decided that since he couldn't find anyone else to help him with the kids, he would have to take them to his mom's house which was 13 hours away. (I told him I had no problem staying home with them, and this was 2 months almost 3 after I met him. He said no.) So the kids were in another state for 9 months, with bad influences all around them, and without their dad to take control. As we all know, Grandmas arent known for rules. They lived in a house with 8 adults at one point, none of which were good influences, and all had different rules than they ever had before, with different punishments. We would visit as often as we could, and I was always disgusted by how bad things were getting. Begging him to let us take them back. We had moved in together officially by then, and planning our military move accross the country. His mom decided to get a job at our new home base, and move herself into our newlywed life. Positive, we got the kids back, negative, my mil is living with us. We are currently staying in a hotel until we can move into our house in a couple of weeks. SS8 talks back, argues about everything, and the whining is unbelievable. SD6 whines and whines and whines, her voice is annoying me. SS4 is the biggest smartass, thinks he can do as he pleases, and just laughs when you yell at him. DH says things will just have to be what they are right now, we can't make them go to bed when everyone else is awake, etc. He leaves for work in the morning, he won't go register them for school(his mom went to visit his sister and she wants to be there when we register the kids because she speaks "school")and I am the one who has to be seen with these brats in public. I never thought I would call them that. I used to love this children so much, but the hellions in my hotel room, are not the children my husband raised, and he doesn't see that. All they want to do is play video games, or on DH's new Iphone, because I won't let them touch mine. He says I need to just back off, and let them do whatever will make them happy, and stop barking orders. Pick up your shoes, stop arguing, don't talk back, stop saying that word, no you won't play playstation if you don't behave, etc.. is barking orders. OMG I don't know what I am going to do. MIL pretty much tells the kids yes to anything I have already said no to, and I am losing my mind. I truly feel like this is never going to get better. I know I can't be the only person discliplining them, but I would never allow this to go on in my home from anyones kids!!!!

skylarksms's picture

If the father won't step up and discipline, there is absolutely nothing you can do without becoming the "wicked stepmom" in the eyes of the skids and your MIL.

YOU need to put your foot down with your DH and get on the same page as far as discipline goes or you are in for a LONG road ahead of you.

wonderland0819's picture

I put my foot down the other day. Told him we need to figure out what we agree on and don't agree on. I told him my 5 biggies. Language, picking up, bedtime, talking back, and arguing. He said those sound like good things that we can agree on. And I have made a point to only get upset when they don't do one of those 5 things. Last night bedtime, I was livid. He said oh well if they won't go to sleep. Then when I tried talking to him, even after they finally went to sleep, I don't want to talk to you about this in the same room the kids are in. So what? I am supposed to hold in my feelings until we get into a house in 3 weeks... good luck!

Lauren1438's picture

The mother in law needs to go. Sorry to put it so blunt but if you are ever to have a future life with him she has to leave. She can vist her grandchildren but by no means should she be living with you and your SO and rasing them. It will cause a bad dynamic (oh wait it already has). If you are to have any type of future with him he has to trust you to take responsibilty for the kids. If you just do things to make them "happy" they are going to have the mentallitly that the world owes them, yes it is said their mom walked out but they will learn to adjust, with rules and structure they can be very happy. At the beining stages is when they test you, and not just you but your SO too.

Grandparents let the "little angels" get away with murder. When I first meet my FDH kids he was staying with his grandmother on the weekends that he had the girls because she has a biger house and a yard for them. It was hell. He wanted me to help him with the girls and to get adjusted to being in their life. Grandma made it Hell I would say one thing and she would tell them dont listen your fine. His youngest had a fit one day and started to hit kick and bite me so I put her in time out and what did she do she went and grabed her and said she is only 4, and gave her ice cream. I said thats it, walked out he came over to my house later that day to talk and I told him it was either me or his grandmother, we could take them for a vist but I will not be staying around if it contunied. Things changed and we are a strong couple and work good together. His girls have gotten much better too.

wonderland0819's picture

OMG I completely agree. He said that because he told his mom that if she wanted to move with him whenever, he would take care of her, at least a year before he met me, that i just have to deal with it. Well I don't know but maybe that is something you should mention to me when I meet you. Hey by the way there is an open invitation for my mom to live with me whenever she wants. Ummm NO!! I would have ran for the hills. Instead, I am made to look like the bad guy, because I think that hey, you met me, your life changed, things that happened before me and could effect me should change too! I didn't get asked, I got told that she was moving in with us. I didn't get asked if it was okay that we pay for the hotel room completely, and let his mom stay here for free. I didn't get asked my opinion on anything, I got told what my opinion will be. And that pisses me off to no end. So today, I let the kids sleep in until nine. Dad gets home from work around 6 so at 5 I am thinking sugar and soda... and lots of it. And dad can see what I have to deal with every single second of the day. And I am just going to sit back and watch. I feel horrible that I have evil plans against my husband

Lauren1438's picture

Don't feel bad some times we have to do something drastic to open there eyes. It didn't trigger that you got married. That is even worse life changing things like MIL moving in have to be made together. Try to talk with him alone. Also when you talk to him try not to make it seem like you are by any means attacking him or his mother. But get your point that you are trying to build a normal healthly relationship with your new step kids and that sence they lived away for X amount of time you have notice a big change in their behavior. Also try to fit in there that it does make you unconfortable with having your MLR live with you. Starting out a marrige isnt possible when you have a MIL breathing down your neck. (And sex life how is that possible with dear old mom in the next room...awakward...)

I was lucky, I havent gotten married yet so when there is a problem my SO tires really hard for us to make common ground on issues. I have threatened to leave twice now once because of his Grandmother steping in all the time and the other was when he wouldnt let me have BM arrested for bashing in my car window. Hello my parents are cops. Of course I was going to call them with or with out my SO imput, I dont care if she is the mother of his children mess with me and I will fight back, legally but I do fight back.

Good luck. Let me know how it works out.

wonderland0819's picture

4pm and the kids are laying down taking a nap... i never let them nap this late!!! any nap is done before 130. Gonna head to the vending machine in the hotel and find whatever has the most sugar in it and feed it to them before he gets home.. with a coke to wash it down... next time make them go to bed... originally my idea was okay if they didn't want to go to bed at bed time, I would start waking them up at 5am for breakfast until they would. But why punish myself because dad isn't doing his job as a parent

wonderland0819's picture

So the kids have been pretty relaxed today. minus a few times, considering they each had about 10-12 hours of sleep last night, and should have normally been bouncing off the walls, I'll admit, it is a lot easier without the SS8 around, he just talks back all day. But I am thinking if tonight doesn't just make DH want to enforce rules I will just continue to do what I did today until the kids are back in school. They sat around colored, watched tv, and played video games. Just gave them each half a coke, and a couple of sugary snacks after SS4 took an hour and a half nap. Dad should be home any minute... immediately they were bouncing off walls, this will be a fun evening... I feel devious!!! }:) Biggrin Wink

Saintly's picture

I completly understand were you are coming from. i have two step children, Girl 11 & boy 8. I came into their lives 7 years ago. The oldest was a nightmare she was 5 at the time and did not want a bar of me. At first I would get really annoyed but as time has gone by I have developed a relationship with them both with mutual respect. They understand we have rules and they follow them. There Mother is a nightmare and will at ever opportunity try to wreck any relationship we have. I still get majorly annoyed that my Partner does little to nothing around the house while they are here. I now don't even bother cleaning before they come. The key to disipline is to get your man on board and his Mother and all be united. It takes a Village to raise a child, a very patient one at that! Good luck