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you can teach an old dog new tricks

SisterNeko's picture

just not all of them good ones. BM surprised me a little this AM. Yesterday I watched SS6 for her after school for a little bit and I DID look in his bag because BM has a really bad habit of not telling BF EVERYTHING. I found a paper in there that said the teacher wanted to sign SS6 up for some special help with his reading. I photographed the paper so BF could read it. Basically SS6 is falling behind in reading. Which doesn't surprise BF or I since BF had issues with reading in school. But I was worried that BM wouldn't tell BF because for whatever reason she thinks SS6 is perfect and has called them 'dumb' classes in the past. She refuses to acknowledge SS6's issues. But no one is perfect!

She did however call BF this morning at work (last night would have been preferred but beggers can't be choosers) stating that she wanted to let him know before she signed him up for the special classes. She also said that she called SS4's doctor to check on some test results. She said one came back fine and one they were re-testing. I told BF not to take anything she say seriously until he confirms both with the school and the doc office. But she does seem to be coming around the the fact that they need to co-parent.

BF is also learning too, not to believe everything she says and not to leave everything up to her (because half the time it doesn't get done). I told him there is no harm in double checking everything and that these people (teachers and doctors) can only help him. He doesn't have to all her out but if he questions them they will start to realize that she doesn't tell him everything and question her.

BF told his mom the other day on the phone that I am helping him to realize somethings lately and it's really going well. We are also working on a plan to help SS6 with some other stuff that he has going on that BM denies which is funny because she has 2 kids. SS6 is expected to be perfect and there is nothing wrong with him, and SS4 she thinks is completely flawed, she has tried to get him on Social security twice already and doesn't want him to do anything for fear he will fail. And SS4 seems to be getting better and SS6 seems to be getting worse. Not that I WANT something to be wrong with either of them but like I told BF if there is something off there is no harm in look into to it. It could be nothing or it could be fixed. You don't know until you ask - a professional of course.

Now I just wish BM wouldn't call BF at work all the time. i think she doesn't call the house nay more because she knows that I am here, not that I say anything when she is on the phone but I am still present I guess.