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with a divorced guy who has an autistic kid. what should I do? Advice please!

cityconfuse's picture

I am new to this site, but I really need some advice! Thank you all in advance.

I am with a guy who has divorced and has three boys. Two are very sweet, but one is an autistic teenager.

I was in my bf's house last week. The kid didn't let me in, cursed me, and acted really nasty. He even broke his finger by punching glass.

I love my bf, and get along with the other two boys. However, I am so scared by the autistic kid.

Will he be really violent and hurt me and my future kids (my bf and I want to have kids.)?

Should I still stay in this relationship?

Advice, please!

seeingitfrombothsides's picture

No one can give you those answers. For one thing, all autistic kids are all different, just like all "normal functioning" kids are different. What you need to do is before you get serious with your BF is decide what you want from life and if you want to be with someone that is responsible for another life for the rest of his life. You are lucky, most people don't get the chance to decide if they want to be in that position. However, you are unlucky that if you decide to be there, you didn't get to be there from the beginning and make decisions that may have helped him be more functional as an adult.

Having a disabled or mentally ill child is more work than most people will ever know or experience in their lives. If you go forward, be very careful. In a past relationship my bf had a mentally ill child, it was more difficult than I could have ever imagined and our DD ended up getting injured. She still loves her brother, and so do I, but if I could have the same DD and her never have gone through those years of pain. I would in a heartbeat...

Good luck!

redmemory's picture

You might end up hating and resenting this kid more than you could ever imagine, especially if you are thrust into a care-giving role for him. I would say think twice.. I just met my fiance's first son (4.5 years old) for the first time about 6 months ago and I was happy to meet him at first until all his strange behaviors began to grate on me.. and now he is going to be evaluated for autism (he displays almost all the autistic traits/characteristics). I strongly dislike (hate) his BM and I can't say I love this kid in any way. My fiance and I have a 3.5 year old boy and a girl on the way due in 5 weeks. I am already stuck with SS4.5 for the rest of my/his life as well as his BM through my relationship with my fiance. Something I never even wanted or asked for. It is not easy by any means to deal with an autistic step kid.

cityconfuse's picture

Thank you so much for the comment here. I am struggling, and my mind is getting crazy..

seeingitfrombothsides's picture

I can understand. I was young and so 'in love' with my boyfriend that I jumped in with both feet when a woman showed up at our door and said, "This is your son." My bf was in shock and so was I. We looked at this 6 year-old boy and just saw the reflection of my bf.

It was so hard, he had no impulse control, he was in trouble at school every day, we took him off of all the psych meds he was on under the supervision of the pediatrician and thought we saw a glimpse of a sweet little boy. We changed his diet, and gave him structure and things really seemed to get better (it was still hell, but no longer like hell X3). Then I got pregnant with my DD, he used every opportunity to try to punch me in the stomach or trip me. When she arrived he seemed to really like her and things were going great, he even had a good day or two at school.

When my DD was 10 months he tried to burn her, tried to cut off her hand, tried to knock her over all the time (and this was with me watching her ever second of every day) and we ended up in a psychiatrist's office. He was in individual and group therapy every week for the entire time I lived with my bf (8 years). As a teen (despite hours of therapy and a very structured home) he molested a little boy when he was left with a sitter for one hour. As an adult, he still has never bonded with anyone. He has no impulse control and has to have someone giving him direction at all times.

I wish I could get those eight years of my life back. I wish that my DD hadn't gone through that... I really thought loving my bf and loving his son would be enough. Sometimes love isn't enough. Sometimes choosing your own sanity, and the safety of your future children is better, even if it hurts a lot right now. I started writing to you thinking I would not discourage you, but run now. Telling you a small portion of my story has made me really think about it and no one should go through that fear and pain. If he already scares you... go...

cityconfuse's picture

Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I am very touched.

I know - it is no one's fault..I can't blame that kid.. I guess he didn't know what he was doing.. but I am in deep fear - He is only 14. God blesses that kid that he can be better. However, with an unreasonable and super selfish BM, I have doubts.

I love the BF very much. That's why I am so tortured. We were talking about marriage, future home, and more kids. I feel I am so close to what I want in my life, but all is smashed into pieces.

Auteur's picture

The key is, how does BF handle it? Is there a BM who is brainwashing the children in the picture? And does BF cowtow to the BM? Will things change when the BM finds out about you. . .and not for the better?

How financially obligated is he to the BM? Even if the BM is not in the picture, does dad parent by guilt or traditionally? Does he PITY his children or does he expect them to tow the line (within reason)?

cityconfuse's picture

As far as I know, the BM is very unreasonable. She does everything she can to get money from BF. Whenever kids are in trouble or need to buy stuff, she asks them to ask the dad. She even told the kids that she was the only one who paid everything, despite the fact that my BF paid almost everything, including the house the BM and the kids are living in. I am not sure how she poisons the kids about me, but apparently, she has poisoned the kids about the dad.

My BF gets the kids every other weekend, and every wed, but he tries his best to see the boys. He even coaches the soccer team in town just because he wants more time with the boys.

I don't blame him for being a great dad, but I have concerns about the plan for the future. How can he afford our future (since we want to have more kids), if he continuously spends on the boys whatever they want? I told him the BM is not reasonable. He should contact lawyer or mediator to address the financial issues. However, he said he consulted with three top lawyers. There is no better solution. The BM has already created all troubles , and she will use the excuse of the autistic boy for more money as he needs special care, etc.

My BF has rules with the boys, but he refuses to talk about financial settlement in front the teenage boys. And also, he feels guilty (my observation) by not being with them all the time.

Ultimately, my biggest concern is not about the money. It is about the autistic kid - whether he will be violent, and hurt me and my future kids. I feel being in danger.

Auteur's picture

"She even told the kids that she was the only one who paid everything, despite the fact that my BF paid almost everything, including the house the BM and the kids are living in."

The Behemoth did the exact same thing.

I'd think long and hard about this type of relationship. You may love the dad but the baggage that comes with it, IMHO is so NOT worth it. Guilty daddy is like alcoholism. It doesn't get better and these guys are never cured.

cityconfuse's picture

I really appreciate your honest opinion. I know it is easy for me just to walk away from all the messes... I am thinking about it...I haven't hold him yet.. his mom is in hospital.. I feel ached to add something more into his life at this moment..
I wish he could have never married..

herewegoagain's picture

OK, first I am the mom of an autistic kiddo...they are NOT all violent. Not anymore than other kids. Heck, plenty of "normal" kids where I live hit other kids and my son never has, so don't think he is violent because he is autistic.

With that in mind, if he is in highschool, normal classes, etc...then he is probably pretty high functioning and does NOT need to be supported by his parents the rest of his life...if he does, he's probably just lazy like other NT lazy kids.

If he has speech issues, is in special ed, cannot function, etc...then that is a bit different. He might have to be taken care of, but again, all autistics are different...many are very successful and work and are not supported by their parents...and then there are some lazy ones who are supported by their parents. Again, same as NT kids.

Now on how to deal with an autistic kiddo? They are mostly people with "fairness and too much reason" in their mind. They see the world mostly black and white. What I mean is that instead of saying "do this because I say so", if you say "do this because otherwise you might get tired, you might get sick, you might get hungry, because of this could happen to you..." they are much more willing to accept what you say and be good with it.

Another thing is that many hate sudden changes in plans. This does not mean that the entire day or everyday has to be a schedule. It does mean that as much as possible, you need to let them know in advance of plans that change their plans. ie. instead of "get dressed, we gotta go", the day before or as soon as possible say "hey, tomorrow we will need to go out at 12N to X place, so I need you to wake up early and get dressed and be ready to go..." That gives them the time they need to refocus on something new.

Some autistics get a bad rap as far as temper because they are just different in the way they think and people are constantly putting them down. Anyone, even neurotypical individuals would be tired of people putting them down...autistics just express it more.

Here is an article I wrote about me and my autistic kiddo

Although it was written from the view of parent/child, many of the same things can be applied to other autistics and you need a place to relax, music is relaxing, have a place to calm down, etc...I hope it helps you and yours.

By the way, I read somewhere that autistic kiddos do better with their dads than their moms. The way most autistic think, see things is very much "male"...even black and white, simple commands, etc. So, your DH can probably help if he puts his big boy pants on and make a huge difference in his son's behavior.

Also, here is a website that is a blessing, especially for autistic kiddos and parents, and teens...a place where they can speak to others who think the same way as them and not feel isolated. It really helps see others understand you and also, see that you are indeed different and that sometimes you have to also make accomodations. It has helped me tremendously in my marriage, as no doubt I am autistic myself Smile

cityconfuse's picture

Thank you so much. I am going to your site shortly.

He flipped out when he saw me there even though his dad told him that I would stay over the weekend last Wed. He yelled that it was his house. He decided who could stay, and who couldn't. He didn't want me to be in the house.

Yes, he is in regular school. I don't mind taking care of him if he is not violent, or he will not grow to be. However, this is a myth. Who knows. What's more, his mom is not really helpful. It is all my BF, the DAD, who comforts him whenever he is in trouble.

The kid is not taking any medicine and he doesn't visit doc either. My BF said he refused to do so... Can you really push a autistic kid to go to see therapist?

cityconfuse's picture

I have to say, you are amazing!

Your son is really lucky to have parents like you two. My Bf's son is not that lucky. The mom yells at him, and doesn't have too much patience with him. I would like to help, but I am not in the right position..