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BM is being nice and weird

SisterNeko's picture

And it scares me! She has started txting me again but is managing to keep it just about the kids (so far). She is referring to me as their step mom.

I don't want to ruin it but I am not encouraging it. I don't want to start a fight or what ever but I still don't trust the woman and rather than I can throw her. Today she sent me a pic of Ss4 on the bus - his first day of school. To show me that he was doing great which I knew he would she was the one saying he wouldn't ride the bus. But I guess she called BF and sounded upset that he hadn't gotten upset. She doesn't want him to NOT need her.

But I am wondering how long this is going to last, she just got married so she may be in wedded bliss yet. Though she seems bothered that her wedding hasn't bothered BF. :). She dis tell Ss6 that he could call her man whatever he wanted now. I explained that he can at her house but at our house it's his name or step dad. Not dad cause he has a dad here. What gets me is that when asked what he plans to call me after we get marries it's just my name. Now tell me that kid hasn't been pimped. But I don't care I would prefer they not call me mom. You know cause I am not a mother.


WeddedBliss.sofar's picture

If our BM was being nice and weird......I'd probably punch her in the face, because I KNOW the shit is about to hit the fan...........