Future SD wants me to go on field trip
so my soon to be SD6 wants me to go on her schools trip to the Zoo. Her BM already told her that she couldn't go because of her younger sister, which is a lie BM doesn't have a job, never has, and has put SD4 in daycare for 8 hours a day (I know because I paid for part of it to help my FDH). Well I contacted the school to ask how I would go about volunteering to go and I was told BM told the teacher that she had a restraining order on me and that I was trying to kidnap her girls. When FDH confronted her about it over the phone she denied it. Now what.
Tell them not to take her
Tell them not to take her word for it, but to ask for proof. They can't inforce something that does not exist.
I agree. Set up a meeting
I agree. Set up a meeting with your DH and the teacher and go talk to the teacher, the principle and whoever else. BM said something that was obviously a lie, and the school needs to know that, IMO. It's amazing to me how these women will make up things that are obviously not able to prove. And since the teacher said that, I'd assume you guys don't make it to the school very often? So maybe it's just a case of the teacher knowing BM's face, but not knowing ya'll.
Your FDH needs to clear up
Your FDH needs to clear up the "misunderstanding" with the school & if you WANT to, go ahead & get your background check done so you can attend per SD's request.
If you DON'T want to, simply don't go
Wow on her getting called on this crap though!
The BM has them during the
The BM has them during the week and we have them on the weekends. This BM is crazy and destructive; SD4 knows every cuss word in the book because of her BM and has gotten kicked out of three day cares because of behavior. FDH and I try to reteach basic manners and rules each weekend but it never sticks. SD6 is starting to realize what her BM has done, and she is always crying about what BM said to her about Daddy and me each weekend.
By the way we have a lovely double date tomorrow with the BM thanks to my FDH, he is completely in the dog house right now and will be for a long time. This meeting is over the judgment that ended her spouse support
the one piece of revenge I have had against this BM, and my FDH agreed to talk about the differences that are occurring over the amount of money she is owed (meaning spouse support). someone please shoot me or be ready with bail money.