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Can't F'ing take it anymore

Redsonya's picture

I CONSTANTLY have to deal with BM. My previous DH is dead so he doesn't bother us about my DD. My current DH is fixed so no kids for us, but I am so pissed that we have to act like his Ex's nephew is ours. I know I have vented about this numerous times, but DH does not even treat my daughter like that kid, who is a complete pain in the ass! I have a really demanding job and this week has been brutal. I let DH know that we need to get an attorney for the upcoming visitation/child support/spousal support changes. Dumbass agreed to $2500 a month non-guideline support when he grosses about $45000 a year. Then tonight I was trying to help get 2009 and 2010 taxes done (I married him in 2011 and he hasnt filed taxes since 2008) and he is bothering me because I can't figure out the turbotax password after an INSANE work day where I may be taking a three million dollar write off on a project. No worries about me.

I think I am done.