Still haven't seen them
So it has now been 11 days since we have seen the sk's. We are supposed to get them this evening but I really doubt it. This should make for a very interesting holiday. My husband was able to actually call and talk to his daughter. He told her have your brother call me back, that was yesterday at around 10:00 she told him he was still sleeping, but he never did call back. So we will see today if she will let us get them. I can't wait to see what she is going to pull. It still blows my mind that the ss has not called him, I say that because they are really close. Whenever he is with us, he is glued to his dad, we always joke that if my husband stops short (while he is walking) my SS would run into him. I can only imagine what she (the BM) is telling him. Part of me hopes that she still continues to act ignorant so when we go back we will have more to throw in her face. I am keeping my fingers crossed.
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Can you guys get court
Can you guys get court ordered assessments of your SS and entire One of my guy friends..who has sole cusotdy of his 2 boys..(another psycho bio-mom there I'll tell you)..had the courts involve a phycologist with his boys a year or two ago...his boy still sees him..(cause the mother still plays games). She initially gave up cusotody...but just tried to get it back when he took her back to court for child-support..last month. When some of the games and nonsense that she fed the boys came to light....documented by a third party over a period of months & months...she didn't stand-a-hope-in-hell of getting custody of those boys...he won hands down!!!!
This is Canada though....I'm not sure how the US courts tend to look at this stuff. The best interests of the children are the key focus!! is our case law site.. It has been so helpful to us and many of our understand how judges tend to interpret and apply the cases that are similar to our own. Does Kentucky have something similar or a national case law data base that 's similar?
Also keeping a journal...and logging every conversation, action etc..over a period of days, weeks, a good idea..because your memories will stay fresh..and you'll have exact dates..names of people involved..or others that may colaborate your side. (helps reduce he said/she said) It enables you to present a more organized, rational, plausible case and helps you come across as more professional, credible..etc. and hopefully her as the NUT JOB she sounds like!
Good Luck!
Well, we have a psych eval of the ss we are waiting to see, and he is in therapy so we have some of the bases covered. The lawyer said to keep a journal that would be the best form. Of course I have been telling my hubby that for 4 years, he is just now doing that. So it will be a long up hill battle I jsut keep praying.
Using children.....
Sounds like ex is using the children to fight her problems w/you guys. That is just horrible. Make sure you keep a journal on what has happened and tell her that next time that happens you'll take her to court regarding what is doing unfairly.
We are keeping a journal,
We are keeping a journal, and hopefully that will at least help us prove that she is playing the kids and not abiding by a court order. I have my fingers crossed.
I've been telling another
I've been telling another freind to journal since 2001...he just kept saying..."it's common knowledge" everyone knows it..and didn't track anything. Nnow he comes crawling to me...cause things are getting messy..she's fighting thier verbal custody agreements etc.. Playing games! And he has nothing documented! He sure wishes he had!!
Can you remember any significant incidents from the last four years that you could write down in a "retro" kind of journal? Try to remember dates..or "long weekends" or 'summer vacations" or say "Christmas 2003" approximations.
I wouldn't tip my hand to her to her if I were you. Manipulators are very good at what they do. Anytime we countered my BF's x she had another lie ready to go...and she was good..her explainations were plausible..untrue..but plausible. If you can get 3rd party affidavits anything to shake her credibility and break the he said/she said.
Bf's"x" claimed that she wasn't living commom-law but was renting from her BF ... she even produced a lease.. how do we disprove a lease. 1st we saved a newspaper clipping of her dads obituary..where she refers to her BF as her companion..(not her landlord) 2nd we got an affidavit from SD who lived in the house stating that he was mom's BF. 3rd we questions why he didn't claim the "rental income" on his taxes. The lease was bogus!!!!!
She was again exposed as a lying, manipulating nut job!