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Poo on toilet seat

astra's picture

My 12 year old step son has twice this past week left s*** on the toilet seat. I flipped out when I found it this time. I made him clean his fingernails, which he complained and argued about. But really when there are poo fingerprints how could he know that it is just dirt under his nails? I am so disgusted. Also, he couldn't have been more disrespectful or rude about the whole thing. Is this what I have to look foward to as he becomes a teenager?


Hatecopycats's picture

I'm so sorry about that SS a few weeks ago wiped his butt on one of my good towels after he used the toliet and then threw the towel in the shower!!!!

The most disturbing part.....wait for it.......there was toliet paper in the freaking bathroom!!!!!! He is 12 also.....I have no advice ....I feel like I'm living in a barn when he is here.

reluctantgma's picture

Gosh, guess I'm the lucky one! My SS13.5 only pees all over and around the toilet. Lazy sh!t doesn't lift the lid either. He drinks about a gallon+ of liquid per day, so I never know it's there until I sit down on or step in it. Yuck. :sick:

I just informed him tonight that he would be cleaning the toilet daily if he can't figure out how to aim carefully and lift the lid. He went whining to his father. Break out the world's tiniest violin. My house, my bathroom, my rules, slovenly shiznit.

herewegoagain's picture

Oh my...I tell my 10yr old everytime to wipe the toilet seat...he's not always perfect, but geez, he's autistic and still tries to do it and never complains when he doesn't do it and I take him back to do it...what a nightmare!

My DHs kid was obviously not taught to wash her hands...cause eow it was the same thing with her...sigh

On the Edge's picture

It's tough with stepkids. My son did that and I would make him clean it up, both the poop on the toilet seat and the pee around the toilet. It stopped when he was 10. When my SS (12) started living with us, he started doing it. How does a kid miss the toilet that far? What was worse is he'd lie about it, blaming my son or other people using his bathroom (then I'd point out ... my son left Friday night, you cleaned the bathroom Saturday, nobody else uses this bathroom except you, it's Monday and there are messes around the toilet again). He had to clean it up. A year later, we've had buggers on the shower walls, poop on the toilet seat, pea around the toilet. His mom complains the toilet seat in the boy's bathroom is never put down and there's always pee or poop on the toilet seat .... no kiddin (as I laugh). The funniest part is I noticed this all the time at her place before we started living together. She was always the one who cleaned it. Now she makes him do it.