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What about my time???

Unhappy's picture

SO and I had a yet another fight last night. We have both had a hectic week. One of his best friends is coming this weekend that he hasn't seen in the last 3 to 4 years which is great but that means that the house has to be cleaned from top to bottom. We were so busy this weekend with all 3 kids that we didn't have anytime to accomplish anything. SO gets home a lot earlier then I do. I usually make it through the door at about 6:45 to 7:00 pm and my BD's bedtime is at 8. I came home last night walked in the door and got BD in the bathtub, did laundry, took care of the sick dog, did some more planning for his surprise party this weekend, got BD to bed, and cleaned one of the fish tanks. Around 10:30pm I sat down and had dinner. Last night also happened to be SO's b-day hince the surprise party this weekend. So at about 11:00 both SO and I go to bed. Of course it's his b-day night so you all know what would typically happen. When we got into bed I just wanted to sit there for 10 to 15 minutes finsh my glass of wine before anything happend. Well aparently SO was unwilling to wait. He got upset and told me that he wasn't in the mood anymore which pissed me off because I have been busting my ass all week to get sh!t done so that his friend well see how great the house is. So one thing leads to another and we're in a fight. I told him that I haven't had a chance to sit down and just relax since I walked in the door and all I wanted was 10 to 15 minutes just to relax. He got to sit down and do stuff on his laptop throughout the evening. Why can't I have 10 minutes? SO eventually goes off about me messing with my laptop and talking to his mother which apparently took up so much time. I got sick of his b!tching and just told him that it's because I was planning your surprise party which I have been doing for the last 3 weeks. So of course he gets pissed off that I told him and basically blames me for him having a horrible b-day day. I asked him why I can't have 10 to 15 minutes to just sit and relax and told me that I get that with the extra hour of sleep I get in the morning. WTF!!! Because you get up an hour before me that means that 1 hour is my, "just sit down and relax time". I am fed the f^ck up. This is BS. I have put up with so much sh!t in this relationship, crazy ex, crazy kids, his dui, the list can go on and this is the thanks I get. I am so made right now.

I'm sorry this is so long I needed to get it out.

stepmomto4's picture

Hi Unhappy,

I totally understand what you are going through. I just signed up a few minutes ago so I can unload too. It's not fair. My SO has 4 daughters and they just moved into my home. I spent 2 weeks emptying the room and painting all the trim and walls to welcome her. Within one day the room was trashed and there is crap all over the floor and walls. He thinks I have too many rules and she should have the room they way she wants it. (a mess!) I wish I would have left it the way it was. It sounds like they don't appreciate us at all.

Unhappy's picture

What's wrong with these guys. I am so p!ssed right now. We bend over backwards for them and what thanks do we get? Apparently nothing. I loved the text I got from him earlier, "I still love you". WTF!!!! Really? What the hell did I do last night other then want to sit for 10 minutes? Nothing. Oh but yes he still loves me. Well thank god for that.

Unhappy's picture

I just got another text from him telling me that if I won't text him back, which I haven't been, that he loves me and appreciates everything that I do. What about when I don't want to do anything? Why can't that be appreciated too? What if I want a break for 10 minutes? By law when I am at work I am entitled to 2 15 minute breaks and a lunch break. I am going to implement this at home. I'll create my own list of house hold labor laws.

cnd62107's picture

my fh is the same exact way...he gets mad if i'm not ready to do *that* as soon as he is. he takes it as being turned down if i have something else i want to do first, like waiting another minute is just out of the question. and then his attitude and the inevitable fight following it will totally turn me off because at that point he has me so pissed, so yeah i know it can turn into a real disaster.

i'm sorry it ruined what should have been a good night together, and possibly the whole weekend if he chooses to hold a grudge over the fight you had. but i figured i would let you know that it may just be a "man thing." he definitely should appreciate you more than he apparently does, but in my experience men can be totally clueless about the things you do for them until you basically spell it out for them with a diagram, or either stop doing it all so they can miss it and see how much you really do.