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waiting on SD's decision...

3bk1sd's picture

We're going on vacation for a week beginning July 21. SD13 has been here 3 nights so far this year and each time insists that she's not coming back. DH told her that she's invited on our vacation but we need to know if she is coming or not. He still hasn't gotten a response. I'm thinking this means she's not coming but maybe I'm just being hopeful. If I thought she would behave herself and not always try to start an arguement or always make insulting remarks toward us than I wouldn't mind. I honestly believe that if she comes she will only be doing it in order to cause trouble. SD is always demanding to go home to her mommy, we will not be able to bring her back until our vacation is over(it's too far away)so she may have decided that if she's not within distance of being "rescued" by BM she's not going to go. Dh did tell her that if she's coming she needs to be at our house the evening prior so we can get an early start. I guess I'll be waiting until then to find out.

Oh, here's an update to . The hedges are gone and I've replaced them with flowers. DH was not impressed at first but he did admit that it looks alot nicer Smile


MamaBecky's picture

Why is it even an option for her to go? I would not allow my SD14 the perks (vacation) of being a member of our family if she isn't willing to be a member all of the time. I feel bad for your DH that his daughter has been turned against him and that there relationship must suffer....but really it doesn't do him or SD any good to continue chasing after her like some long lost desired treasure. I wouldn't even let her coming be an option at this point.

Most Evil's picture

I hope she stays home!! When my SD 17 then decided to not speak to her dad for over a year, that summer she got to stay home with her mom who never takes her anywhere.

I had the best adult, SD free time at the beach that year - DH was sad but we managed to survive ha ha!!

Then SD figured out, no speakee, no invitee! and is going now. Lol!

Done WIth It's picture take that SD with you, you most certainly won't be calling it a VACATION. More like the trip from Hell.

Since she hasn't even been courteous enough to let you know her plans, I'd let her know she'll be going home. If she says she wants to go, I'd tell her that you don't feel you're ready to spend that kind of time and closeness with her since she's taken so long to let you know. Let her know that's not how you treat people. You ask someone to participate in something, they let you know up front so you can continue to make plans. They act like she does, they're not good company and you don't want to be around that.

She needs to grow up and stop being such a child knowing that her actions are bothering you. That's cruel and undeserving of a trip. She'll ruin it for you.

3bk1sd's picture

I agree that a whole week with her would be too much togetherness, lol. That is why I think she won't be going. If she can't stand to be in the house because I'm in it, how will she manage in the minivan or during an entire week? I'll be surprised if she says she's coming.

Done WIth It's picture

Start having gas pains right in front of her to make sure she doesn't come along.

Oh yeah, there's that Face Book thing where she'd probably write about it.

Ah heck...go ahead, be gross in front of her so she goes home.