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SD Graduation Drama

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So, I guess I just need a moment to vent. I trouble by yesterdays events. My SD graduated from highschool yesterday. We had to travel out of town to get there and we missed it. My husband did not want to go. He purposely got dressed really slow and drove the speed limit, which is not him.

Let me back up a little. My husband daughter has done some hurt full things to him. At the church event for graduates, she did not acknowledge anyone, but her grandparents. She did not even say thank you to her Bio father and mother. She claims it had nothing to do with him, but with her mother because her mother is still with the man she cheated on my husband with and because the man is married.

She seems to have no understanding of how bad she made her parents look nor does she care.

That being said, my husband was very hurt and did not want to attend her graduation. We got up that morning, he purposely did not wake-up, then at the last minute wanted to wash the car, and chose to do so by hand. The baby and I were dressed and my husband was still putting on his clothes.

He would not open up to me until later that night. He said he was trying to teach her a lesson because he knew it would get her attention.

It did get her attention. She cried cause he was not there, but to teach her a lesson he suffered. He was hurt because in his heart he wanted to see his daughter walk across the stage.

But, even worse. My SD told her side of the family and friends at the event that I told my husband not to go to her graduation.

But, I would never do something like that. I was the one trying to get him to go! He told the truth when we got to the dinner party, but dang what was she thinking.

My heart broke. I felt so bad. I do everything I can for his kids and she is the worse of the three. Not only that, she said she was never coming around again. And, she told her folks that there is always drama at my house and I try to hard to be there mother.

But, the truth is... there is no drama. I think she hates the fact her father and I have a good marriage and he doesn't argue and fight with me like he did her mother. Even more, I do not try to be their mother. I never had tried that because I am not their mother, nor could I ever replace their mother. No matter what their mother did, that is still their mother. However, I am nice to them and try to give what they desire within reason.

I do not try to really connect with any of them because they have said one way or the other they do not want me around and will not fulfill any request of mine. That is why I send most serious request through their father.

I try to make each visit as pleasant as possible. And, here lately I have stayed in my room, or go out during the day and give the kids time with their dad.

I feel bad, that the eldest SD does like that I am nice. What is that all about? This whole situation is stressful, but I have been told it not as bad as others.