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Summer visit....*sigh*

kalmolil's picture

Well, it took longer than I originally anticipated but SD8 is already officially on my nerves. BD5 had her little "graduation ceremony" at her school today and since SD8 started her visit yesterday (joy), she tagged along this morning to the ceremony. Naturally, the first "ugh" moment came when getting her dressed and sorting through the tacky, tasteless wardrobe that BM packed her. We selected her "nicest" outfit (that I'd probably consider sleeping clothes for my BDs) and put her in that. BD5 and BD1 both wore nice little summer dresses but SD8 didn't have anything like that in her bag (despite our request for it; although SD8 did mention that she has a really nice dress but BM told her she couldn't bring it to our house because it was 'too nice for over there') so she got to wear what she had on hand. Then the rest of the day has been filled with "my mommy this" and "my mommy that" and I'm just about "my mommy"-d out. I finally told SD8 that I was really glad she enjoyed doing this and that with her mommy but that I didn't need a run down of her daily activities and what she "does with her mommy". Right in the middle of the "ceremony" she decides to tell me that "after she went to the dentist she fell off the swing and hit her mouth". Really? Did I need to know this at the very moment that BD5 was being called up? NO! DH finally hushed her and she was quiet the rest of the time. Of course, once we got home she went back to policing everyone and everything. Any time I said anything to BD5, SD8 was right up her butt. DH and I were playing with BD1 and here came SD8 nudging her way in to the center of things again. I finally said something to DH ab out it and he said "yeah it seems like she's freaking out over someone else getting attention" - ya think? Maybe that's because BM treats her like she's the ONLY PERSON ON THE PLANET all the freaking time!!! My BD5 tripped over SD8's foot and here she (SD8) came running to tattle on BD5 "she stepped on my foot" needless to say we're only one day in and I'm already counting down the days. This is going to be one helluva month *sigh*


youngmama1b1g's picture

I've got the same to contend with, but Im more awesome then BM so I just make sure theres plenty for SS4 to tell his mom about when he goes back with her... Like "I painted all day long...We painted for hours...We went to the park...We walked to the store... We had apple juice pops"
AND then I smile knowing hes filling his moms head up with all the things she doesnt have the imagination or energy to do.. }:)

kalmolil's picture

DH gets 30 days over the summer that he can break down in NO LESS than 7 day increments. I don't want her popping in and out throughout the summer so I decided, like medicine, it's best to just get it over with quickly. While I realize a small pill is a LOT easier to handle than a large pill, sometimes it's just better for you to get it down quickly so she's here now and we're getting this over one day at a time!

I finally told her tonight at the dinner table that I'd had enough of "my mommy this" and "my mommy that" because she was rattling on about her "mommy's" cooking (in the microwave no less) after I'd spent all day preparing a healthy meal (roast, organic brown rice and veggies) for the family. I don't expect her to come here and sing my praises by any means, but I surely don't want to hear about BM every second of every day. I told her if she was talking about her that much then she must really miss her and want to go home early, so if that weren't true then maybe less talk about the BM would be a good thing. She didn't say much about BM after that so we'll see how tomorrow goes.

I can just tell that her beady little eyes are sizing me up and constantly comparing me to her incompetent mother (so there really isn't any comparison) but to feel like I'm being scrutinized for every move I make is completely obnoxious. My own bios don't pay that much attention to me and it's quite creepy if you ask me that she's so fixated on comparing me with her BM.