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10 days until our trip & now BM wants to talk to the SKids

Anywho78's picture

I'm very excited about our FL vacation. The thought of having a few Skid free days brings a smile to my face, even if it's been brought down to 4.5 days due to BM's issue of not liking to get up early on Monday (HUH???!!??)

After well over a month of not speaking to her children, BM brazenly texts SO this morning asking if the Skids remember that they are going to see her in less than 2 weeks...of course, SO responds ever so sweetly to this BM and answers all of her questions very nicely...

BM-Can I skype with kids tonight? I get off at 6
SO-yes, that's 7 our time so it should be a good time to talk to them
BM-No, it will be 630 my time
BM-So, do the kids remember they are seeing me in less than 12 days?
SO-Yup, we got their sleeping bags yesterday, they slept with them last night, they r excited
BM-So I don't know what I'm allowed to talk to them they know about Disney? Do they know you're driving them to FL? What do they know?
SO-They know about everything that's going on
BM-Great, so I can discuss their road trip and Disney

What I'm wondering is WHY she would need to discuss Disney when she opted to take them to the library instead...WE are taking them to Disney. She should be talking about lizards and the library and whatever else she is planning on doing with them over the whopping 4.5 days she has them, NOT what WE are doing with them. I would have said this to her if I had the chance.

My other issue is why she thinks we should be keeping the Skids excited about the trip with her when she can't even bother to call them herself...she had a week off of work calls, no nothing! I would have mentioned that if the text had been addressed to me.

With 10 days until our trip, I can't believe she's left it this long to talk to the Skids...she should have been on skype weekly just getting them used to her, but I guess that's too much work. They don't seem bothered by it at all but then, I suppose they are used to it by now.

When oh when will my SO decide to tell her like it is versus just going along with her and whatever she wants to do? He's doing well with the teenage SD's and their BM but not this one...ugh!


Anywho78's picture

Both SS8 & SD7 have called her on her lies or general crappy behavior on more than one occasion.

Quite frankly, I don't give a damn what she talks to them about during their annual 4.5 day excursion with her...last time was full of lies that the Skids were able to call her out on, so I'm not worried about that.

For their skype convo, I'd think she would want them to talk about her annual visit with them which takes place in less than 12 days and not what they will be doing over the rest of our vacation.

My issue is that SO just goes along with her stupidity & doesn't say ANYTHING to her about how shitty she is being. She doesn't even have custody, we do! I just want this piece of nasty put in her place!

MamaBecky's picture

Your DH is doing the right reason to bait her. Let her do her 4.5 days and be done with her until next year. Why rattle the cage?

youngmama1b1g's picture

I get your frustration, but obviously BM has no relationship with kids if shes only talking about what they do with you guys... I also understand your H not wanting to say anything. Shes already a sad enough excuse why give her pointers to be a better mom- she clearly doesnt want to try.