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Gag for the

jojo68's picture

FDH posted a picture of his daughter on facebook and it said "She's out of school for summer my little angel" :sick:
I guess I'm just jealous cause he doesn't have one picture of me on his facebook...oh well.


alwaysanxious's picture

HA! Ok i've got one.

SO posted short video of SD when she was 3. OMG she was a brat then too in the video. I wanted to comment. "wow some things never change". I just left it alone though.

You can just see why she is the way she is today.

jojo68's picture

LOL...I felt like posting on his "little angel???? Are you f*** serious" but of course I left that one alone too

jojo68's picture

He was expecting that everyone comment and oh and ah over her but no one did anything but an uncle on BM's side said "oh" Pretty funny

Auteur's picture

I always find it amusing that these doting guilty daddies and BM coochie coo types think that everyone in the world thinks THEIR children are the CUUUUUTTTTEEEEESSSSSSST thing in shoe leather!!

:sick: :sick:

My eyes roll up so far when GG describes his kids as "good kids" or "handsome" or "beeeaaaauuuuuuuuutiful"

SteppingUp's picture

This reminds me of how BM posted a picture of SD6 (who was 4 at the time) and she had on knee-high hooker heels/boots and a black leotard, and BM posted, "Like mother like daughter?"

About 4 guys posted on it and said things like, "Uh oh, she's gonna be a stripper wannabe too?" HAHAHA it was like she wanted people to say she was cute but it totally backfired.