To good to be true-about custody! I need help with this one..........................
So after four years of failed attempts/conversations about joint custody his ex finally says "ok."
We both are in shock!- it is to good to be true.
Mainly b/c oldest(16) goes to school in our district and the school asked to look over the Parenting Plan and decided he should go to the school in her area b/c she is Primary custodial parent.
So she calls my H and says "ok, we will do joint custody. one week on- one week off- but you will still owe me child support-so we will lower it to $700.00 (instead of the $1400.00 we give her now.)"
Yes, This is great news!
But does anyone know if we owe her anything? I mean, DAMN!
She is remarried (with a new baby)- he is remarried, my H's parents send all of the kids to private schools (costing about $10,000 each) plus they are at the age were they really do not require child care. SO what the hell would we be paying for????? We already pay for most of the sports stuff, lessons, not to mention they are on our insurance.
But Yes he makes about 20,000 more than she does? Does this count? SO we have done some research, and we can not find anything concrete concerning the state of Tennessee. We already have a call in to meet with a lawyer but just wanted you get your opinions.
Anybody know?
Anybody know any good forums/websites to go to that has this info?
Or any place that has people that have gone through the same thing???
INFO- of any kind would be much appreciated. Thanks-
- Wifi's blog
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Try this....
There's a downloadable calculator on the above page. I downloaded a calculator from the same type of page (human services) for my state.
BM agreed with us to do 50/50 as well until she found out how much a cut in CS was going to be. But not all BMs are like mine. I just would err on the side of caution - most evil BMs don't like a pay cut.
Run it by...
an attorney that can write up a stipulation and have it signed by a judge before she changes her mind! Than, once final, send it to court for CS modification! ASAP!! Let the courts modify it for you! LMAO!!!
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...