Two Weekend in a Row of Adult SD/Golden Uterus
My cup, apparently, runneth over....two glorious weekends of SD24, her babydaddy, and her spawn in town. Crrrrrraaaaaaapppppp.....She doesn't stay here, so that's a blessing. DH wanted me to go and visit her, and I flat out said "No". He just looked at me and I asked him if he heard me say "maybe". I said NO and I meant NO. This weekend was the easter egg hunt at DH's parents' church. Now, SD doesn't attend church, the kids are not baptized, but she will drive an hour and a half so her spawn can participate in the free for all candy give away ('cause she's all about free free free). Next weekend is not only Easter (more free stuff), but it's also SD's birthday, so it will be like a double bonus for her!
I know, I'm just venting, but I'm so tired of everyone praising her personal irresponsibility. I would not have dared show up at my parents' or grandparents' house bragging about how "entitled" I was to their tax dollars. I would have never been invited back! She needs to get off her dead ass and get a job....McDonald's is always hiring!
So she's on welfare and
So she's on welfare and thinks she's "entitled" to things? I'd love to meet her, she sounds lovely. LOL. How does DH act when she's around? Does he see that she thinks it's all about her?