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CASA came to our house.....

Chocoholic's picture

I haven't have had much to post about due to the fact that we still don't have my stepkids back with us. The CASA (Court Appointed Social Advocate) came to our house this last Friday and interviewed DH and I. I think it went well. Its just so scary to turn your lives over to a stranger and wait to hear what your fate will be.... We're powerless in this whole situation. I did put together a huge 4" notebook filled with information and a 4 page table of contents for the CASA to review, it makes me feel like I'm doing my part.... I gave her all of the information, now its out of my hands.

proud mom's picture

Hang in there you are dong everything you can and remember that the truth will come out in the end!!! Smile

Live for today,you may not have a tommorow

luvdagirl's picture

I was a CASA in our state and let me reassure you that I always was impressed with a parent being well prepared for my visit, it sounds like you are doing everything right from a parents side so hopefully this is resolved fairly quickly for you.
Hope things go well for you.

Chocoholic's picture

I'm trying to let go and let God (as my dad says). Thanks for your thoughts.

Mocha2001's picture

Everything will work out in the end, and God will take care of it all for you. He is watching over your SKs too ... they may not be in the best environment, but he will make sure that nothing bad happens to them.

~ Katrina

laughterandtears's picture

I feel you. Truly. CPS (Child Protective Services) was called on my DH and I (mostly me) and I stayed up until 3am the morning before bawling, worried out of my mind although I know I don't abuse our children. We are now waiting for the finding letter, although the caseworker told us before she left that she felt the charges were unfounded. Still, until it's all wrapped up, you can't help but fret.