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BM and her hubby....YOU CANT FIX STUPID

2timemom's picture

I had a wonderful weekend with my DH,no skids,didnt last long.

So Sunday we get the Skids back,made them sit in the car while me and my dh and the bm and her dh talk about the kids,well there bm is so to speak braindead,she said that she really didnt get to spend any time with her kids as she was working so there sdad was looking,after them,well sunday they where driving him nuts so he told them to go and play outside,ss is 12 sd is 11,so there sdad got to watch Nascar in peace!!!well there neighbour called him and told him that his ss was in a field,with a friend and they where trying to catch the grass on FIRE,sd is caught with a cigerette,they live with us full time,and watched 24/7, my ss hates me,and that's just fine,I make sure I dont talk to him unless his dad is around,he tell's to many lies,blames everyone for his problems,this is our house our rules,and he has to follow them,which he hates,he just wants to go and be free and cause damage,and then blame someone else for what he has done,I do see this kid going to juvenile jail,and nothing is going to stop him,but I wont be picking the pieces up on that.
Sd is also lying to her mother,when dh and me asked her why she is lying,to her,her rely was I was not aware that I was lying,I cant say that Im mad at them,it was there BM weekend to have her kids,and once again, no one was taking care of them,,like I said at the beginning of this post you cant fix STUPID.
So I will be the Tough Smom that I am,I dont crap you leave your drama and your attitude at the door!!!this is my home.
I wish someone has told me,its not easy to raise someone elses children,my sons are grown,WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING,,dont get me wrong I love my Dh,I did not make these children,but I wont be blamed for what they do,there BM needs to step up to the plate,but I know hell will freeze over if that where ever to happen,so for now I have 6 more years untill the SS leaves,not unless he goes to jail first.
This is my Monday Morning Vent..Thank you..:)

2timemom's picture

Well that is so true,heck why did he not just go and show him how to start the,fire,and as for my SD he could have just given her a cigar and brandy. Now I no,why there Sdad and the BM,dont have any of there children living with them,they dont no how to be parent's
It takes someone really special to raise someones else'kids.