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Things going well

dbsojo's picture

for the most part. We got dumb assignments from Ms. Perfect again (work he did in pencil that she erased for him to do over again), but I decided what I wanted to do was much more educational, so that's what we did. He's writing a one page paper on his favorite wrestler. If that doesn't teach him about complete sentences, I don't know what will.

She's moving him along with the state capitals, though. Yeah, we'll get to that some time. At least it's not stuff he already knows. But I guess she got the hint when I sent back a map that didn't have the names of the states on them. The ones she sent this week made a little more sense.

In the meantime, SS still plays hell trying to talk to her everyday. It's to the point where he calls the house, if no answer calls the cell, if no answer leaves a message so that he isn't rejected over and over everyday.

But he settled into the routine with relative ease, and all is well. He's even getting to spend a bunch of extra time with Mic (craziness at some bonus days off on account of it...but that's for another time). He even got to have his first overnight in his own room last night, complete with s'mores! Only problem is that he's not very keen about going home.