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Now I Have Theft In My Home...Thoughts?

NewBeginning's picture

I'll try to make this short as possible..

My SS gave me some money to put on a bill we all pay here..I put it in the pocket of the jacket I was wearing. Later that evening, I took the money out and placed it in my purse that was in our kitchen. I had it sticking out and it could easily be seen. I've done this a million times and never think twice about it. Yes..I know I should have put it in my billfold, but did not. But - it's my home and I should feel safe here.

Fast forward to DH and I go to leave and I go to the kitchen to get my purse..the money is no longer sticking out. As of 10:30 pm it was very visible. I become upset and tear my purse apart..nowhere.

About 9:30 last night, my SD and her husband show up. I heard then come in but never talked to them for I try my best to ignore SD. Early morning today, DH gets up and fixes breakfast and SD is out at the table eating by my purse. The money is gone flat out..sometime between me seeing it at 10:30 last night til 12 today..gone.

when DH asks what I'm tearing apart in my purse, I tell him his son's money that was given to me to pay on our bills. I angrily told him it was now missing...his face turned every shade of red and he instantly said he felt his daughter could have done it for she has sticky fingers.

So now...the money is gone. It was either my SD or her husband...I just cannot see my SS taking the money. He might be a slob, but she's a known thief. So I told DH if that's what he felt....then HE can replace the money his child stole. He is embarrassed and highly upset about the whole thing. And he should be...I told him I have half a mind to call the cops about it, yet I know it will never and CAN never be proven. She will deny it for all hell's fury.

I hope to God I don't see her anytime have NO idea. Still mulling hard over this...I have every right to leave my purse out in my own home and have the expectation of nothing being stolen...and I have NEVER had a problem with anyone before if I leave money sticking out for whatever reason. I stuck it in there due to being in a hurry, but that does not excuse someone stealing it from me.

Especially family members...if this is confronted, I can guarantee you a surefire denial. Then I will look again like the one trying to start something and that maybe I took the money and hid it. I can just see her saying this.


prayerhelps's picture

Had a nephew who found out would do same thing. Just would always put my purse away in my closet when he came over. He wasn't going to admit it, or be sorry (teen at time and SIL almost as bad about "going through others things"). Just learned from it and kept on going.