The audacity of some BMs!
So, loooooooooooong story short: BM was allowed to move with the SKs 1500 miles away. She owned a house here. No problem! She bought a new place in the new town and rented out the house here. Now I guess she had horrific tenants and she FINALLY is seling the place- for $170k LESS than she bought it for! (couldnt have happened to a nicer person..... )
Anyways......she still has a ton of hers and SKs stuff stored there and needs to get it out before closing. Remember, shes 1500 miles away. Now this is a person that had put DH and myself through HELL for 6 years. Imagine our surprise at the audacity of a voicemail from BM asking us for a favor. A favor? Ha! Anyways she wants us to get her stuff out of the house and store it at our house b/c she is under "financial strains". NO FREAKIN WAY! Too f'n bad! She never gave a flying leap when we beged her not to sign SKs up for expensive camps and activities we couldnt afford. She didnt give a flying leap when DH had to file for bankruptcy. her and her whole family lied so she could move 1500 miles away from a devoted and caring father.
I told DH "im sorry (not really and neither is he) but she gave up any kind of hope of us EVER helping her when she moved your kids away"
If it was something to directly beenfit the kids then, sure. But screw her!! We're not her personal assistants and storgae facility! Too dam bad!!!!!
We have not even responded
We have not even responded yet b/c we are letting her sweat it out. There were many, many occasions where DH would contact her (the only times he did) with questons regarding the kids and she never responded. We have always given her the courtesy of a response at the very least. We are simply saying we have no room.
BTW, I find it really sad that the only person she can contact to help he rout with this is her ex-husband who cant stand her! She lived in this area for 20 years! Sad, huh? Makes you really see what kind of person she is and how many bridges she burned!
good for you! I'm with you,
good for you! I'm with you, I'd tell her to pound salt! that's what they make storage facilities and professional movers for. Honestly it's her own dang fault for not taking the stuff with her to begin with.. she was just being lazy as she obviously has no intention of coming back?
When the court granted her
When the court granted her request to move I guess she felt she had better do it fast so she left a bunch of stuff behind. No intention of coming back I guess.
Crazy thing is, some of it is probably DH's since she held so many thngs hostage! Ha, oh well!
Damn. I remember when my SO
Damn. I remember when my SO told me that BM had the nerve to ask him (via kids of course) if she could spend a few nights at his house because she needed a place to stay. Yeah F N right! SO told her "NO WAY" Another time she asked him if she could borrow his car (Escalade) because hers was not working anymore. Yeah F N right!
BM also wanted my SO to help her co-sign for a new vehicle. Didn't happen. Another time the bitch (I mean) BM had the damn audacity to call my SO and ask him if he could pay the rent on her apartment for oldest son that lived with her. SO told her "hell no" This was her apartment that oldest son was in by himself because she took off on an "extended vacation" (now its she moved temporarily to another state.....this was 2 years ago) and she left oldest son with no rent money. BM was counting on her tax refund but since she didn't pay child support and my SO turned her ass in her tax refund went to him. It was close to 3 grand. Oops for BM!
Hahahaha - yeah let her sweat
Hahahaha - yeah let her sweat it out! What an idiot - sometimes they are just SO STUPID!!!
I know this is o/t but it totally reminds of this time our BM just handed us this letter saying that she had worked out a payment plan for us to pay back HER new boyfriend who forked out (idiot) to pay for ss new glasses. She wrote down that we were going to pay him $90 a week for the next 4 weeks and that should cover it. WTF!!??
This is after we had to start paying double cs because she stopped working her casual job.
We were like, ummm no. You can use the other half of cs to pay your boyfriend back dear - or maybe get off your lazy ass and get a job!
(I'm not being a bitch about the glasses, I know the kid needed them - but we were literally wiped out by the new cs payments which she deliberately left her job for as she knew I was expecting a baby and she didn't want to be working while I was at home with our baby).
Lol - go you!!
What a scank, they must have
What a scank, they must have felt so good to shoot her down.
Hey it never hurts to ask
Hey it never hurts to ask right? What can the answer be beyond "No"?