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Notice vs. Imagine

pastepmomof3's picture

This was a training I recently attended for work but it really is applicable to everything I'm involved with - work, home, ex's, SK's, etc. I've been checking out various blogs and forum topics and this training resonates in the back of my mind as I'm reading the "she's probably going to" or "he's thinking" or what have you.

Here is some food for thought. At least 75% of the things we "imagine" are wrong. And we do this and don't even realize it. I have done this and written about this and while I'm 95% sure i'm right, it's still my imagination. I notice she pulled into the driveway 20 minutes past the originally designated time. I imagine she was running around her house trying to get things together because she's disorganized. I don't know if that's what she was doing - i am imagining that's what she's doing. But here's the flip side of the coin - maybe her clock on her vehicle is off by 15 minutes? Or maybe she got caught in traffic?

Trust me, I am not advocating for the BMs AT ALL...but I do find myself being overly critical and making many assumptions in why things are happening the way they are. Just one more thing to think about when venting.


pastepmomof3's picture

Spunki - I agree with you and I too believe i divine intervention. I try not to get hung up on the "what-if's" or the "why's" in life, but my blog topic was driven by noticing how many assumptions we really make and not to be critical, but to be more aware of things, particularly if we get upset over what others are doing that directly affect us.

Thanks for your thoughts on the matter.

pastepmomof3's picture

NM - interesting perspective.

I do agree with you that everything has a ramification. That leads into the "what-if's" and the "why's" which have a tendency to draw my imagination for a while. Smile

I agree with what you've said which directly relates to other postings we all have put out there - but many times we insert our ideas of what we think is happening, rather than what is factually happening. Most times we don't know the facts, so we are only left to make assumptions. I'm not suggesting that we dwell on these thoughts; only that we should recognize.