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SS14 disrespect! I was shocked

purpledaisies's picture

Ok for the most part my step sons don't disrespect me. Tonight on our way back from picking them up with my mil we stopped to get a drink. Somehow just the skids thought they could get chips too. They then went to the register and had them rung up without waiting on us. I didn't know what happened til we were leaving. I was tired and just said whatever and chose not to say anything but I knew what they did they are teens! so anyway dh told them that they had to share the chips as only they got some, dd asked ss14 for some of his and he threw a fit about it and dh was getting on to him and I just shook my head in agreement. SS14 went off on me telling me I had no idea what he will or won;t do and he is tired of me demanding from him. I was shocked dh told him like it was and he was in major trouble and made him apologize to me. Dh also told him that he didn't care who told them they didn't have to listen to purpledaisies or disrespect her in anyway but they will show respect no matter what. (this is the shortened version as dh was very angry) Go dh!!! anyway I expect dh will get a call from bm while he is at work tomorrow and she will wait till then since I won;t be with him. Dh told me he will not back down form her b/c he is so angry at her for that. Plus this is the same crap she calls dh about that ss14 does to her. Dh said he will make sure to remind her of that.

NewBeginning's picture

Good for him for telling his brat where to get off!! }:)

Love it! I do the happy dance every time I hear my DH get all redass with his spoiled nearly18yo son. I feel I'd like to sell tickets to it so others can experience the joy that I do..something like this shouldn't be hidden behind closed doors.

SS thought he was going to show off last night at our cookout and said he was a clean person and he was tired of his dad blaming him for all the messes in the to which DH blew up on him and brought up 10 kinds of shit to remind SS just HOW messy he really is.

I could walk down to that slob's room right now and find a week's worth of meals from his uneaten leftovers. Shit everywhere...and yet he doesn't make messes.

BULLSHIT! I called it!

But I loved reading this post! Smile

purpledaisies's picture

I know it feels good doesn;t it. The thing is I have no idea where that came from b/c they were with MIL all weekend and when we picked them up I didn't say much at all as I was tired. So I really don;t know why he felt that I was nagging or demanding or anything??? Not to mention I fell asleep on the way back, a 3 hour drive. It was soooo uncalled for.

NewBeginning's picture

I think it's because these kids feel so entitled...I don't know how the BM is in your case, but with ours...she could give 2 shits about what her kids are doing. She pays no child support...never disciplines..nothing. She lets her son do anything he wants when he's with her, then he comes home to us and acts like a 2 year old snot nosed brat that has been caged up for a century and is bouncing off the walls.

Our worthless BM has her kids feeling sorry for her..she is dying half the time..which she is NOT..she has nothing..which she has allowed herself to be this way..has lost weight and is the size of Benjamin Buttons on a good day....she is just worthless. Yet these kids feel a loyalty to her that we will never understand. If yelling at us makes them feel they are doing a justice to their mother, then they're gonna yell. If a child is taught enough that he doesn't have to respect the new partner of their parent, they're gonna show it.

Sad...but it's how it works...

purpledaisies's picture

You are very right about that. I do know that bm has told the boys that they don't have to listen to me and I'm nothing to them. She says it to her family and friends with them there. But the flip side is that they are really nasty to her as she calls dh all the time about how mean the boys are to her. Dh tells her funny how we don't have that problem here. Well until tonight but I can bet it won;t happen for a very long time after dh got a hold of him. lol.

AVR1962's picture

Good for your husband! BM should be joining in and expecting the same from the kids. What tears families apart and makes children think they can be disrespectful is a parent coddling and taking the child's side. While that may feel good to the child it is putting the child at a disadvantage. This is a fairly small situation and there is no reason why BM could not support you and BD, if she does not it will be just one more notch in SS's okay to be disrespectful in trying to misplace your postion.

purpledaisies's picture

You r right. Dh and I r on the same page about respect always have been. Of course we disagree about certain parenting things.

I can tell you bm will say something to dh b/c heaven forbid that ss14 gets his feelings hurt or is brought down a few notches or has his ego bruised.

Orange County Ca's picture

You picked a good man there. One who is unafraid to discipline his non-custodial kids. Most men are afraid they'll lose visitation to a self-centered (most kids are) kid who'll make the "I don't want to visit anymore" threat to get their way.

When it comes, and it probably will, I hope he stands up to it as well as he did this.

purpledaisies's picture

Thanks Orange. He was a first the guilty dad but then soon realized he couldn't do that for the sake of his kids. He also told the bm that the boys nor her have a choice weather they come to see him. He basically called her bluff for about 2 years before she realized he was serious and will take her to court every single time she tried to pull that BS! I also think it helps that bm's sis works for a very well know lawyer and she set bm straight and a lot of things by telling her that IF dh took back to court he would win every time for that crap. She has said that she doesn't have the money to go back to court either (she is money hungry) On top of that the judge they got is known for reversing custody if the bm is in the court too many times for not letting the father see the kids. I don't think she wanted to risk not getting CS!