Anyone think their Judge had issues and thats why he ruled the way he did (ie against DH in every way)? We "joke"-as best we can being so bitter- that our Judge had major Mommy and probably Daddy issues. He was definitely of the "old school" notions that only Mommy can raise kids and Daddies are not needed in kids' lives. Must have had some trauma in his childhood and lucky us, he decided to enact his rage against all dads! Its funny, b/c it is by far not just us. There are "judge watch sites" that have accounts from dads that I swear could be ver batum what we went through. Now tell me this person does not have issues???
Yeah probably, What exactly
Yeah probably, What exactly did he rule against? Was this a re-file? Some judges can really suck I know!
Oh God, you name it! The
Oh God, you name it! The craziest by far was letting BM leave the state and move 1500 miles away with NO PLAN. She didnt know where her and the SKs would live, where they would go to school, what she would do for a job, etc. Not to mention the SKs had lived here their whole lives, only going to one school their entire school careers, seeing DH EOW and 2 times during the week, living 10 minutes from us and entire DH family.....craziness! All that AFTER GAL and therapists testified to Wise Judge that this was a very bad idea and would be very damaging to the kids. But Wise Judge must have been PAS'd as a child so he rolled his eyes (literally!) and basically said b/c BM and DH "cant communicate" that she should be allowed to leave the state with the SKs. You cant comunicate with a terrorist! Or is it negotiate? Either way!! MAJOR Mommy Issues!!
Broke DH's heart....
Oh and forgot to mention that
Oh and forgot to mention that Wise Judge then ordered DH to pay CS AND pay for nonstop flights to fly SKs to visit. Another kick in the you know whats!
There is a site-cant think of
There is a site-cant think of it now- that comes up when you google DH's judge but he is known as a manhater so there are many, many complaints about him online. It is amazing to hear stories that other people have gone through with this judge that are near identical to us. I keep thinking that sometime in the future it will come out to the public how incredibly biased and sick he is. I know he in the kind of individual who is just so bad that he cant help himself and something will come out. I feel the same about BM.