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Been doing some thinking

Stepinsanity's picture

It's probably not the best way of thinking but it might actually give me something to help in the stress. I know that my ss11 will be with us for long after he is 18 since bm has already stated that she's moving as soon as the kids are 18 and he will not be capable of living on his own because of his mental condition. But where alot of the stress comes from here in the house is sd14. Bm can't control ss the way she does sd so I figure that once sd turns 18 that the stress might actually reduce quite a bit. My dh had it in his head that sd is welcome to live here as long a's she's working once she turns 18 but I let him know that ain't happening. If she's not in college then it's fine for her to live here when she gets a job but there will be a deadline set for her to find her own place. I was the same with my son. When he showed signs of wanting to just laze around and only work and play on the computer, I put his ass into the navy. I will do the same with my daughter if she tries the same thing. I refuse to be one of those parents who's kids are still living at home when they are 30. If they don't have the will to do that on their own then I feel the military will give it to them. But back to the main topic of this post, I at least have the prospect of in 4 years the one causing the largest amount of the stress here being gone. My dh probably isn't looking forward to that time since she is so brainwashed and controlled by their bm that once she turns 18 I honestly would be surprised if she continues to keep visiting. I'm still not sure how things will go with ss since he is mr. He doesn't have it so badly that he will never live on his own but he will probably be closer to 30 before that happens. Since that's going to be up to us to make that happen since it's not going to benefit bm any. At least right now though he is pretty settled into the situation and any problems with him here usually stem from sd. Though I think we need to start thinking about seeing if we can get full custody of him when he turns 12. We would actually be able to help him more without his bm's constant influence. I'm hoping I can keep a positive outlook on this. Going to be he'll if I can't. Only way to help deal with the crap from bm and sd. Nothing like being blamed for things that happened between bm and my dh before I even knew them lol.


Stepinsanity's picture

He has mild mental retardation and yes she has stated many many times that she's moving halfway across the country as soon as he turns 18. And yeah, not cool. But then to her she will get no benefit from him being around once he turns 18.

Stepinsanity's picture

I definately agree. She is wonderfully at playing the super mom when it's benifiting her. I have felt for the past few weeks that she is building up to something and now with the Counciling issue I have no doubts about it. My dh agrees that the next time she pulls her shit we are going for 100% custody and don't care if she pays child support or not just so long as she's out of the kids lives. We were prepaired to do this in January but decided toehold off when all the sudden she was extremely willing to agree to anything we wanted. I think she relized then that if we went to court that we would win full custody. It's only taken this long for her to pull more crap because she's had to work harder this time to convience herself that she's right and that we are the bad guys again lol. I think the last time she got a wake up call because her attitude changed right after my dh met with the councilor that she tried to change the kids to and came with a huge file of documentation to prove the crap bm had told the new councilor was lies lol.