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Does anyone ever dream about the BM?

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

For me that would be a nightmare. I had a dream last night and BM was in it. She has been out of skids lives for over 3 years. She is on an "extended vacation" and she will be coming back soon....

In my "nightmare" she came prancing in to our home as if she owned it and as if she was never gone. I immediately confronted her. I asked her "how can you possibly tell your kids that you love them and pray for them every night when you refuse to do what has been asked of you to be able to see your kids" (she writes letters to them were she basically blames my SO for all her mistakes) She got smart with me and I swung at her!

I then asked her about what she knew about raising teenagers? Skids are SD14 and SS12 (turns 13 tomorrow)According to her from her letters this is the age that SO started being hardest on their oldest son (he is now 23) so that is why she is now going to do something about skids. Uhm, last time I checked mostly all teenagers give parents a hard time therefore that is the age where parents need to consistently be on their teenagers. Especially if you have a teenager that is failing miserably in school. That was the case with their oldest son.

BM in my "nightmare" then laid down in one of our beds! I got so mad at her especially because she was making a big deal out of enjoying herself on our Tempurpedic mattress. SD14 immediately took her side and started acting like a major brat towards me. SS12stb13 wanted nothing to do with BM. I then managed to kick BM out and SD14 went with her.

Thankfully, my SO woke me up. I HATE when I dream about BM. I don't know if my dreams mean anything but a couple of weeks ago SD14 told me how she has "unconditional love" for her BM. I know BM is their mother but she is not a parent to them. But ever since SD14 told me this I have really been thinking twice about how much I do for them. I do worry about when their BM comes back in to the picture that skids will diss me and start treating me disrespectfully. Their BM will for sure manipulate them. Her letters clearly prove that she has not changed her bitter and hateful ways.

But then again what judge would grant her visitation when she never has followed the court order. Supervised visits at a designated location and she took off out of state without letting the court know.

Ugh....I hate it when I dream about BM!!!!!!!!!

Pantera's picture

Your dream actually happened to a friend of mine (except for laying in the bed part). Be glad it was just a dream, lol.

starfish1012's picture

i totally had a fight dream where we both beat the crap out of each other...strange to wake up to

stormabruin's picture

I have dreams about BM & skids frequently. When all of the crap was going on with the change in custody, court, fake claims of cancer, etc. I did have a recurring dream about BM that I really felt had meaning behind it. I would have this same dream 2-3 nights a week. It was one of those that felt so real I had to work to shake it off after I woke up.