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The Good ....The Bad

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The good news..the elopement plans are starting to come along and we will be Mr. and Mrs on 07/07/07. Plane tickets are bought, miniser and photographer worked out. Now need to know if anyone out there are step talk no of a pretty location between Colorado Springs and Denver, such as a state park where we can hold the outdoor 20 minute ceremony? We haven't been really crazy about the couple of locations the photographer has suggested. The reason we wanted a state park or National Park is because the cost is minimal and with nine children between us we really need to watch those. Private sites we have contacted are at a minimum $500 which I can't bring myself to pay for what will be a quick ceremony with only four people there, us, the minister and photographer. We have heard the Evergreen-Conifer area is pretty and I have looked all over the internet but being in Illinois we can't actually go there until the night before the ceremony when we fly into Denver. We are splurging and staying at the Cheyenne Mountain Resort for the two nights. Smile If anyone has been to Cheyenne Mountain State Park I would love to hear if there is a pretty location there. Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

The Bad ss's testing results from his screening with the school district back in 05. He had flunked all cognitive tests. BF wants very much to have him enrolled in Early Start this fall since he is eligible. 8 days to go until court and now all the sudden BM wants to be with BF when SS is retested this Friday. Says that they should both actively participate in taking him to the testing and that they should discuss by phone whether he should go or not. WTF! We are taking her to court for not following the JPA by not notifying BF of ss's surgery, that he had staph, that she changed his daycare, that she had signed him up for basketball and we ended up missing the whole season etc. 12 violations in all. Now she wants to go to the testing with him because that is how joint parenting is done? Now she wants to talk with him about his opinions? I am so stressed out now.