Adolescence - NetFlix limited series.
This is one intense show. If the first episode is indicative of the whole series, this is going to be an emotional roller coaster.
Not specifically step related but certainly some parallels to what parents in general and far too many SParents struggle with regarding early teens and beyond.
The key for me so far, part way through episode 2, is that these ill behaved kids, nearly an entire school of them, would have been filleted by teachers applying paddles to asses, their phones confiscated (we did not have them), and then finished off by their parents when they got home. While the specific plot is disturbing, it is the mass behavior of the middle school kids that stands out to me as specifically disturbing. The teachers have no control, it is all about coddle, then yell, with the kids running amok. No structure, no accountability, until a tragedy hits. Even then, the inmates are running the asylum.
Parents are clueless until it is too late.
So far, all of us STalkers are reasonably lucky that our kids/Skids have not degraded to the level of depravity that the primary character in this show has.
- Rags's blog
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Well that sucked.
An exceptional series. But tragic.
As is apparently often the case, the victim was the one who was demonized while the criminal was humanized.
I've been hearing a lot of
I've been hearing a lot of good things about it. Will have to start watching this weekend.
That sounds interesting. It's
That sounds interesting. It's scary to me how disconnected and isolated kids have become, as well as adults for that matter.
It is very good IMHO. Disturbing as can be. But good.
I won't say anymore about the series so as not to jeopardize it for anyone who wants to watch it. I binge watched it this afternoon.
We started watching it..
We started watching it.. interesting so far.
I saw this last night when we were looking for another show. I told DH I had heard good things about it. We will likely tune in. Thank you for the recommendation.
I'm definitely checking this
I'm definitely checking this one out. I will most likely watch it by myself though haha. DH had enough stress I don't wnat this to be one of them too.
Watched the series tonight.
Watched the series tonight. Disturbing, yes. As Elea said, the disconnection and isolation of kids is so harmful. And, yah, the heavy social media use with parents not knowing what's going on. And back in the day, people thought it was awful to prop your kids in front of the tv.
Thanks for the heads-up, Rags
Thanks for the heads-up, Rags! Although I seldom watch TV (reading is my passion), your recommendation had me also binge-watching the entire series last night. The acting was first rate, in particular, the performance by the youngster who played 'Jamie'.
I've read a lot about the out-of-control classrooms in Britain and was disgusted, watching the conduct on 'Adolescence'. My DH taught in a Catholic high school for decades and never experienced the chaos and disrespect that was displayed in the series. He would not have tolerated that behaviour.
From the reading I did on it prior to watching, this is that
From the reading I did on it prior to watching, this is that young actors first acting credit.
He did a great job.
I am not sure that the out of control classrooms are specifically a UK thing.
My wife's clan includes two who worked as classroom/teacher's aids and they are regularly being assaulted by kids. They are focused on the special needs kids. The onese so dangerous that they are not tolerated in regular classrooms. SIL started that role a couple of years ago. BIL1's bovine bride did it for about 15yrs but would not tolerate the crap. She was never made full time with the district because of her intollerance for asshat parents and their crap spawn. Kind of a join the mass delusion or suffer model. She left that role recently and is the admin for a water district. She seems far less stressed in the new job than in the other role.