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It finally happened. A call from the police at 5am.

Chmmy's picture

It finally happened. A call from the police at 5am. SD25 was found in a parking lot asleep in her car...not in a parking spot just the lot. They took her to the police station and called daddy to pick her up instead of arresting her and charging her with DUI. They needed someone sober to pick her up. She was incoherent and couldn't even tell them her address. They used SDs phone to call my husband. Once she sobered up they talked to her about if she hurts or kills someone she will be in prison and daddy won't be a le to pick her up. She could be in jail for 25 years. She has crashed 2 cars in the last year. She didn't remember the first one. My husband saw the car and she didn't remember anything, she was just sleeping away like nothing happened.  Likely a hit and run.

The police officer offered her information on how to find a sobriety group. She snickered, pissed him off and he walked away. If she kills someone in the near future would the police who let her off with a warning be partly responsible?

She doesn't live with us but she claims she's not drinking.  She takes a break after each incident but she'll be back at it.

The other 3 kids are doing well. SD 22 is engaged and the boys are in high school. I really fought a lot to raise these kids. My husband fought me tooth and nail but now he thanks me. The boys are great kids. The girls were raised by DH and BM. They've ave so many of BMs undesirable qualities. The boys didn't grow up with her, they grew up with me. They didn't always like it but we all mostly get along now.


Rumplestiltskin's picture

It sounds like SD has a major drinking problem as well as an attitude problem. She needs to go to rehab, but if she doesn't want to get better, she won't. With the cowbird BM she grew up with, it's no surprise she has problems.

The only thing i will say is at least she pulled over to sleep it off. Can they give you a DWI if you're not driving? Public drunkenness maybe, but DWI seems unfair.

But that's beither here nor there. What you've probably known all along as a SM is now so obvious that even your DH can't deny his kid has major problems. That's good and bad. Bad that it's gotten to this point but good in that *if* your DH was in denial or defending her before, there's no way he can now. I hope she gets the help she needs. For her sake and for the sake of you and everyone else who will be affected by her decisions. 

notsurehowtodeal's picture

If the car was not running and the keys were not in the ignition, they can't arrest her for DUI. I used to be a dispatcher and most cops will make the arrest of a drunk sleeping in their car if they can. If it happens again DH should refuse to pick her up. Maybe a night in detox will help convince her to get some help.

Harry's picture

Needs help. She needs to seee some to get a clear picture of what's going on.  And what help SD needs,  she can't and will not help herself.  She needs to go to AA  and get set up  she needs to go to AA everyday for a few months .  DH mu st understand, unless he actually does something, his DD will hurt someone or herself in a DWI auto crash. Or being arrested.  
'Today a DWI arrest with lawers can cost $10,000 to $20,000 for the first time

Toaster's picture

You wrote: She doesn't live with us, but she claims she's not drinking…

My PTSS kicked in reading your blog. While staying at her BM's, YSD had plans to sneak her latest boytoy into Mommy’s house for some late-night nookie—on a school night, no less. Luckily, it never happened because Brain-Dead (her boytoy) got into a bike accident and ended up in the hospital.

Oddly enough, YSD wanted DH to talk with Brain-Dead’s mom instead of her BM. I’m still scratching my head over that one.

My suggestion to you and your DH? The next time this skid gets herself into trouble, she immediately redirects her back to her mummy dearest for correction. These skids are experts at figuring out which parent they can manipulate most easily, and they'll go straight to them instead of the one who’d hold them accountable. Let her pull her stunts on the one who’s NOT willing to indulge her and save yourself the stress.


JRI's picture

This girl is bad news.  You and I know she should be in AA but won't go.  It will be painful watching her hit bottom.  I just hope no one else gets hurt.

Rags's picture

Wow, LEOS in Illinois would rather endanger the public than enforce the law. Good to know.

They should have arrested her and put her in jail.  Whatever charges applied to the situation should have been applied to the situation.  If she was in the car and drunk, passed out or not, depending on jurisdiction, they can nail her ass with a DUI.  How did she get the car there? She drove drunk. 



As for the LEO who let her go, likely would not have criminal liability for doing that. But, if SD killed someone on her way home after release rather than getting locked up, the victims family would likely own the city the PD, and the killers family.

Rightly so.

I know SD is not a minor, but with the recent criminal charges and civil charges against parents who have polluted the public with criminal spawn, Daddy should have refused to pick her up and told them to lock her ass up.  That just might have shaken this POS enough to start moving her head out of her own ass.

IMHO of course.

Her time is coming. Not soon enough IMHO.  I hope she gets locked up before she hurts or kills someone... other than herself. If she wraps her car around a telephone pole and does her self in, so bit it. And good riddance, with condolences to her family of course.

Thumper's picture

DH should have left her there.  

I lost a beloved young adult nephew by a habitual  female DUI offender.  He suffered tremendously because of her.  IF that wasn't enough the drunk didn't have insurance.  

I have NO sympathy for drunk drivers or drunk persons passed out in a parking lots. 

She would be blocked from all access to our family and forbidden from coming into our home until she is clean and sober for a significant amount of time. 

I will not include stories of bm, her now husband,  and bm's kids AND that entire family of dui's.

(PS. I enjoy cocktails--you can believe I will never drink and drive)