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Back On The Meds

thinkthrice's picture

So Chef has a new doctor that he likes.   He is not pushy and militant like the former doctor.  I noticed the difference when I went to him as well.   

Chef is back on a new blood pressure medicine and on a statin for cholesterol which seems to have a calming effect!  I'm not sure what it is about these meds but he has been actually sensible and reasonable (caveat to the best of Chef's ability which is not much).

He is still boozing and eating whatever he wants which he told the new doctor that he is not going to change his lifestyle as he "works hard and he plays hard."  And because he works literally 7 days a week, weekends, holidays, you name it,  he is going to get some sort of enjoyment out of life which to him is mostly booze.

In other news I have adopted a new fur baby so that makes three which is my high water mark as I do all the pet care, vet visits Etc.

Awesomeson will be going away to electrical lineman school the end of this month through two weeks before Christmas so plan to do visits with AwesomeDIL and DGD3.

I'm also pretty sure that Mr Not So Neutral and his son the Mechanic, haven't laid one finger on Chef's vintage vehicle rebuild in exchange for their fancy heating system.  Out of curiosity, I asked Chef about it the other day and he claims they called him asking him if he wants the engine painted.

Which is a dumb question they should have just gone ahead and done it anyway.  So I'm thinking it's bogus.


JRI's picture

With our hard-head DHs, all we can do is all we can do.   At least he now has a doctor he likes, thst makes a difference.  My DH doesn't like his current primary, I keep urging him to change to mine.  He asks why, I say, "You don't like or respect him, you lie to him and you don't do what he suggests".  Sigh....

Lillywy00's picture

I'm not sure what it is about these meds but he has been actually sensible and reasonable (caveat to the best of Chef's ability which is not much).

Keep those meds coming!!! Lol!


Good to hear he's doing well 

MissK03's picture

Congrats on the new fur baby!! At least Chef is acting normal! Seems like another win. I'm sure he knows he got screwed in the deal with his car.... won't admit because why would he! 

Harry's picture

My blood pressure was supper high   You  just don't see it 

Rags's picture

I've been on BP meds since I was in my early 20s. I have not had high BP. They Rx them for T-1 diabetics to protect kidneys as high BP kills the kidneys which are usually under strain from filtering high BG out of the blood of poorly controlled diabetics.

I have also been on cholesterol meds for more decades than I can recall.  I am a miracle of modern and evolving pharmaceutical science.

Not sure about the calming effects of beta blockers, etc...   I am a fairly calm person so any more calming may just make me a zombie.

As for fighting with docs, they work for you. If they do not do what they are paid to do fire them and find a new one.  However, announcing a choice to degrade your health because that is what you do for fun.... if I were a Doc and my patient announced this, I would fire the patient.  Docs work for patients but patients have a duty to comply with the advice of their Docs.

My own nearly life long relationships with Docs has included some I have fired, and others I respect beyond measure.  My journey has included replacing some who want to argue that I can eat carbs  and normalizing BG cannot happen for T-1s when it is carbs that destroy normalized blood glucose and I have normalized my BG for a very long time.  IMHO the person with the condition has to be the worlds foremost expert on their version of that condition. I know my diabetes far better than any Doctor. Period. Dot.  However, they are the knowledge consultants I engage to effectively manage my disease.

As for booze.  IMHO distilled spirits are the way to go. Low cal, no carbs, and far healthier than beer, wine, and mixed drinks with sugary mixes or additives. Rum, Gin, Vodka, whiskey, and TEQUILA (Guess my fave!).  When I drink I go with these on the rocks with no sugary mixers. An occassional diet soda as a mixer is about it. 

Dollbabies's picture

If he's on a beta blocker for high BP that can have a calming effect!

Rags's picture

Congrats to Awesomeson on lineman's school.  That is a solid trade to start a career with.  If the EV delusion continues it will be a an even bigger opportunity.

No one asked an engineer about the viability of EVs as a replacement for ICE powered transportation for humans and goods.  They are only viable as local vehicles. The market for them is not viable without government manipulation.

Every rcross country road trip I have taken in the past 6+ years has included passing a Tesla on the side of the road with the owner waving their cell phone around looking for a signal to call someone to come tow them to a charging station or bring a generator to charge them.  Even the trip I just finished last Thursday. Though interestingly the rhighway side dead battery EVs have all been in the high elevation long distance travel areas of TX, AZ, NM, WY, and UT.  The stated range on a charge does not take into consideration climbing up thousands of feet of elevation.  I'm sure that CO and MT see their share of dead battery EVs in the mountains. Though my road trips have not included CO or MT in many years.

Hybrids will definately work. Locomotives have been Diesel Electric for well over 100 years.  I will go to a hybrid only when I have zero choice.  ICE power is efficient, cost effective, and can be used cleanly.  I won't ever go EV except with a gun to my head which with the delusion of the Green New Deal may just be a possibility.

Please keep me up on Awesomeson's lineman journey. I am most interested.