Gives Me Hope - GMH
I don't care what anybody says around here. I am a little ray of sunshine who is bound and determined to keep on shining...
I know some want to wallow in a miserable state, and I'm not knockin' it... I respect very much that it's all part of a process. I'm learning a lot about anger and learning to respect in others and even in myself. I just think that I get a right to come here as well and blab about whatever I want as well. I've been told to shutup once or twice... but I'm not gonna. So there.
I read a signature line once that I think says it best "Pain is part of life, but suffering is a choice."
SO with that, I want to share a website that I think is just so great and brought joyful tears to my eyes.
And I wanted to share my own contribution:
My youngest son is 0-4 this season with his baseball team. There is a boy on his team with cerebal palsy and he pitched on Monday night. My son was his catcher.
I watched as my son would try to throw the ball back to him and he would really struggle catching it. As a mom, I worried that he would get frustrated with the pitcher.. and I sat near a mom who was worrying just as much about her son's frustration on the mound.
I saw my son's compassion and patience shine thru as he didn't get frustrated and began rolling the ball to the pitcher. (Which worked really well) After two missed throws by other players, and runs scored, my son retreived the ball and jogged it to him with a big pat on his back. I also could see, without prompting from anyone, as the second baseman started running up behind the pitcher to back him up when a ball was often overthrown during his first run ever as a pitcher.
The cheers were loud coming from the dugout and the stands when the little buddy struck out two batters in a row.
The sweet innocence, compassion and honor of my son and his teammates GMH.
Anybody else got one?
- Colorado Girl's blog
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What a beautiful story, CG.
What a beautiful story, CG. You must be so proud of your son, as well as his teammate.
Few of my favorites
Few of my favorites recently:
While waitressing at a diner, I met an old couple who came in once a week, without fail.
They would sit on the same side of the booth and giggle like a couple of kids the entire time.
One day, I asked them what their secret was. The old man looked at his wife, back up at me, and said, "I like to hold her hand.''
Love that never ages GMH
When my brother was in kindergarden, he couldn't stop talking about how cool and funny his best friend Jeremy is.
When we met him, we saw he was in a wheelchair. On the way home we asked my brother why he never told us that Jeremy was in a wheelchair.
He simply said, "Because it isn't important."
My brother's acceptance GMH.
A woman's fiance of six years told her to "Get an abortion or get out."
She moved out that night, with nothing to her name, and no idea where to go.
I'm graduating high school with a full ride scholarship, and that woman is truly my best friend.
We did it, Mom. You and me. We've never needed him. GMH
Thanks for that great
I just read through 60 pages
I just read through 60 pages of that site and cried like a baby. Thank you so much for sharing it. I need to do a Random Act of Kindness for someone today.
Very awesome. I didn't make
Very awesome. I didn't make it past reading just the ones CG posted here before I was crying. I went to the site and I'm crying like a baby.
Thanks for sharing. I know I have something to contribute. I've witnessed a number of things that have moved me to "hopeful" tears lately.
My SS once asked if we could
My SS once asked if we could box up all of his unused toys, clothes, stuff to send to his 3 also out of wedlock half sibs by BioDad.
As much as I despise BioDad the fact that my son is willing to give up his stuff to help his less fortunate half sibs was heartening.
Best regards.
Ooooo, ooooo, oooo pick me!
Ooooo, ooooo, oooo pick me! I got another one.
After BioDad abandoned my wife and the Skid in a nasty travel trailer to run off with a 16yo shortly before my wife turned 18 SpermGrandMa told her "he would not cheat on you if you were a better wife". They were never married.
After 16yrs of marriage an undergrad degree, a grad degree, a CPA, raising a kid through HS and putting up with my aggrivating ass I can say without any reservation that she is the most beautiful, sexy, intelligent and accomplished wife and mother immaginable...
Best regards.
Rags love for his wife GMH.
Rags love for his wife GMH.
That site made me cry like a
That site made me cry like a baby. Still crying. Man I'm hoping that my GF gets struck by the light of love or something, and I can share something on GMH sooner or later.
Thanks for sharing.
I too hope that my Skids
I too hope that my Skids BioDad is struck by the light......... Light-ning! }:)
Keep on shining CG!!!
Keep on shining CG!!!
Don't you know... I totally
Don't you know... I totally thought of you as I wrote that!!!
I'm about to steal your signature line.
I can't read anymore of
I can't read anymore of Holy cow I haven't stopped crying yet. Good grief. I miss my GF.
CG: you ARE a little ray of
CG: you ARE a little ray of sunshine!!
Thanks for the post.. I need to remember not to wallow and appreciate the many wonderful things in my life and just "get over" the crap! (after venting a little, of course!)