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New dog and SS annoyances

Hastings's picture

We adopted a new dog last weekend. (Sweet boy but needs a little training -- and our little older guy is adjusting relatively well.) SS13 had a bowling tournament at the same time as our scheduled meet and greet. Bad weather had already pushed this more than a week, so we didn't want to leave the dog in foster care even longer by delaying further. It was our week for SS, so DH asked BM to take SS. She agreed. (This tournament was one she signed SS up for without checking to see if it was our week or asking DH if it was ok, so he didn't feel bad about having her deal with it.)

We dropped SS off at her house, then went to the rescue office to test the dogs together. It went fine, so we brought him home. We needed a couple of things for him and the tournament was still going, so DH went to the pet store, then to the bowling alley.

Did SS ask if we got the dog? Did he show any interest? Nope. He just looked at DH, got surly and said "Why are you here?" Apparently, he was looking forward to his mom possibly taking him for a snack before dropping him at our house. Lovely.

He did react well to the new dog, but then my annoyance started. I guess I've been spoiled by SS spending most of the day in his room. Instead, he spent the afternoon in the living room, talking constantly. I had a little baking to do and our little dog got on the couch with him, leading him to brag "I guess now I'm the favorite! He likes me more than Hastings now!" I had to grit my teeth.

He asked to get a snack and DH said he could, but something healthy. We had cheese dip and chips leftover from getting Mexican the night before. He started to reach for it (uh, that doesn't fit my definition of healthy) and I said (upbeat, casual tone) "We're eating the leftovers for dinner, so you'll need to choose something else." He snapped "I know that." I had had enough, so I calmly said "there is no need for that tone. That was rude."

Cue red face, sniffling and sulking off to the living room. Eventually he did go back for string cheese.

Hopefully when the newness wears off, he'll go back to spending his time away from us, because neither of us finds him pleasant to be around at the moment. A couple of hours in the evening is enough.

On another note, DH got a message from a few of SS's teachers saying they were going to want to talk to him and BM about switching SS to advanced classes for eighth grade. He was in advanced first semester last year, but got bad grades and threw a fit so DH and BM let him drop to regular classes. When DH asked, I told him I didn't think it was the right thing. SS is too smart for regular classes. He just wasn't used to putting in effort and was allowed to slack off and fall behind. Sounds like his teachers feel like he's over-qualified and needs more challenge, so, vindication there. Hoping DH and BM go ahead. It will be better for SS in the long run. He may lose out on TikTok and Playstation time, which is a tragedy, but at least he might l learn you occasionally have to, you know, work.


Hastings's picture

Agreed. DH will hold him accountable. But BM is a question mark. Last time, it was on her weeks that he fell behind because, rather than actually checking, she would just take his word for it that he'd done what he was supposed to do. This despite multiple instances of him lying to her. Or it would be a time when he spent half the week with her parents, who didn't even bother to ask.

Will that change? Who knows.