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classyNJ's picture

Short day today and 3 day weekend for this gal.  

I am wishing you all a Merry Christmas without tears or stress.  Wine helps *biggrin*

This year it will just be my mom, DH and myself for the early dinner.  SS20 will be here about 7 for his gift grab.  DH is royally pissed off at SS24.  I have to say, I myself am pissed but more disappointed than anything.  

SS24 is a big hearted person.  But sometimes he overlooks DH.  DH has been asking him for help to paint the interior and to insulate the new garage.  This was to be done a month ago, but everytime they have plans, SS24 has to drop him and help someone else on the other side of his family or his friends.  

After standing him up for the 3rd time this week, he blew his gasket.  SS24 was on his way home to check mail and pack a bag for 2 nights to stay at a friends.  DH was so mad he left the house and told me to text him when SS24 was gone.  Had a sit down with him and explained how much it hurts DH when he is the ONLY one that has his back at all times and will drop everything to help him.  He told me he would call DH on the way to work and apologize and fix it.

I texted DH that he was gone and the convo we had.  Welllllll before SS24 could call DH we get a call from our auto insurance company telling us that since SS24 policy was cancelled on 12/14 (this was a week later) that we needed to add him to our policy.  HOLY WHATT??!!!  Mind you, I am an insurance agent so I know what this is going to do and since SS24 vehicle is in his name, only would be added as driver and not coverage on the car.  

I thought DH's face couldn't get more purple.  OK fine so your policy cancelled, you just opened your mail after 2 weeks BUT YOU LEFT THE HOUSE TO DRIVE 45 MINUTES AWAY WITHOUT COVERAGE!!!

Needless to say after that phone call, he secured coverage within 30 minutes, but now have no idea if he will be home for Christmas.  Said he needed a few days to think about things and get his life together.  I feel horrible for DH.  He has done everything he could to educate both these boys about money, resposibility and how to be a good man.  I will call SS24 tomorrow and find out what his plans are, but I am on pins and needles.



JRI's picture

Our 3 son's are in their 50s now, all employed, good husbands and fathers.  Yah!  BUT it was a long, slow go.  I kept thinking how much slower they were to mature than daughters.  Their twenties featured many trainwreck.

He will become a good, mature man but it takes awhile.

thinkthrice's picture

And batton down the hatches.   This weather will soon arrive on your doorstep!  Very cold and windy!

classyNJ's picture

We are having cycles of high wind, rain, hail and snow.  All at the same time.  EW