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Miserable, selfish SS

Ruby77's picture

I have been in a long-distance relationship with my SO for over 4 years and I have had nothing but issues with his youngest son (11yo). We don't live together (thank god) but at one time, we spent a lot of time together as a family unit and I tried my best to ignore his bad behaviour. When I say tried, I mean...with every bit of my being. I have never been rude or mean to him. Annoyed, yes. But never disrespectful. 

I have never met a more miserable kid in my life. He is just so unhappy with everything in his life. Everyone walks around on eggshells and kisses his a$$ so as not to upset himself. I do not, which causes tension. He is just so rude, selfish and impolite. As I stated, he has some major behavioural issues (tantrums, outbursts, etc) and I had to disengage myself from the situation for a while because my mental health just couldn't take it. He is extremely obnoxious and annoying (purposely in my opinion), he has thrown tantrums when he doesn't get his way, from the first day I met him - 4 years ago. He never stops talking or interrupting. It is constant. He often talks to himself and is disruptive during times like movie nights or when we're watching a tv show. He tells his dad no and is constantly bargaining with him. If he is asked to go for a shower, he tells my boyfriend he will go in "5 minutes". If it is bedtime, he tells my boyfriend he will go in "5 minutes". He like to call the shots and be the boss. The bigger issues currently is how miserable he is. He just exudes pessimism and negativity on a regular basis. Especially if someone doesn't agree with what he wants to do. 

I love my boyfriend a lot but cannot live like this. I know he is a package deal but after 4 years, I am at the point where I want my boyfriend in my life but not his son. (Not reasonable I know...). Please don't judge me, I have dealt with so much from this kid. It's been pretty unbearable at times...

I don't know what to do anymore. Sad


SteppedOut's picture

Sorry, but due to his child, you are not compatible. Waiting "until child is 18" does not work either. Likely, he will not launch then - and even when he does, he will still be a huge part of your bf life. 

Seriously, he is not the only man you can fall in love with. 

hereiam's picture

If it is this unbearable long distance, I don't know how you think it will ever really work. It doesn't sound like your partner is a very good parent, letting his kid be in charge and just doing what he wants. This is part of who your boyfriend is.

No judgement, here. Had my DH not been the kind of parent that he was and had my SD not been a well behaved kid, I would not be with him, today (almost 26 years, together). I mean, she had her moments when she was a teenager but my DH certainly did not let her run the show.