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Stepson has moved out and still calls his dad for rides and money

fgump30's picture

I posted last week that my 15 year old ss isn't coming to our house any more. He is, however, continuing to call his dad for rides and wants money.

My position is that we initiate an increase in child support (previously we had 50/50 custody and paid the mother $50 a week)and let the mother use that money for his needs and we will step back.

Am I being to harsh here? I have another ss and a bs to take care of at home and money is tight. I am resentful about sacrificing financially for this disrespectful child who wants nothing to do with us.


fgump30's picture

I agree that his response determines whether it is a problem. He is desperate to have his son come home but he doesn't have to deal with him, I do. He is always at work and when I bring up the disrespect and attitude all I get is "he is 15". Argghhhhh!

Flippinexhausted's picture

Sorry,I read this post and felt a twang of jealousy,I would seriously pay my stepson to move out!!!!!!!!!You said you were giving the mother $50.00 a week for the ss,are you giving her more now and how much?If you don't mind....................

fgump30's picture

LOL We pay her 50.00 a week and have 50/50 custody. When we had just two or three nights a week we paid 100.00 per week. I'm guessing we will have to pay about 125.00 per week. This is way way less than what we spend on the child plus the child support we pay his mother.

Flippinexhausted's picture

I have a 17 year old and $125.00 a week is more than enough.But the problem is,will dad STILL give him money even after he gets the $125.00?I know mine would.