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OT Hello

DHsfamilyfromhell's picture

Not many people on here that I recognise. But I thought I would let you know how my bid for Step freedom is going. 

Firstly, I found a lovely SEND group to chat with re my two daughters with Autism. 

My non-verbal daughter now ‘talks too much’ raofl. 

Neither child can attend mainstream so we are just doing our own thing whilst waiting for school places. 

22 year old son ‘launched’ properly a few months ago, and I have explained in a kind way ‘the principles of the burning platform’ to my 20 year old son at Uni, (comes to stay a few times a year) which he claims to fully understand and agree with. He has a nice girlfriend so he may live with her when he has finished his course. 

I haven’t bumped into my ex step children, not even in the supermarket. 

Ex SO is an A hole. 

Example, I have been doing legal forms re getting a suitable school myself instead of asking a solicitor (would cost about £800 + pounds per child, and these forms need adjusting every few years) so I have literally fried my brain with stuff just to get the form from A to B (if that makes any sense). Legal aid is not an option people I know have tried and it just comes back as ‘we have too much work to take the caseload on’, and they tend to make people wait a month before telling them. 

- So I asked a few questions to ‘Ex’ just to check some things were correct and I got annihilated for boring him (then in the next sentence he said he wanted me back).

So I said hello I divorced you, and I will get a solicitor for the forms next time and you can pay half....

I’m so mean...

Every trace of what I saw in him when we first married had gone. 

And yes life sucks occasionally- But I have never been so driven to be cheerful on a daily basis and just keep going, in my whole life. 

I hope you are all well. 


Exjuliemccoy's picture

Thanks for checking in. It's wonderful to hear about your "non verbal" daughter's progress!!!

You're an example for all those SMs wondering if they should stay or go. Hugs to you.