DH family pressuring me since baby birth
Hi, everyone. First i wish you all an happy new year !
I come today because i’m really sad and i shouldn’t. I gave birth to my little boy one month and an a half ago, and that event should bring joy into family.
Course, my family is really happy, but i can’t say so much about DH family. It’s like an non-event, and i’m feeling that i should apologise for having a baby.
When i got pregnant, it was all about sister in law pregnant too... ok i understand that it’s my MIL daughter and that they are really close. Only things his family asked about my pregnancy was "how SS9 deals with it?".
Then, since my baby birth, it’s all about SS9. Every single discussion turns on SS9, with the ENTIRE DH family.
First MIL, who came visit only once the baby while she took recently SS9 many nights on BM time. She didn’t even gave him any gift for christmas while SS9 got a tones. Ok, baby won’t even remember, but his little cousin who is a baby too, got also a lot of gifts from her. When she came home to meet the baby, she wasn’t stopping to say that i should be really careful with SS9 and do every efforts that i could to keep him involved in baby things. When we got SS9 she wasn’t stopping texting him to ask how things were going on there.
Second, sister in law, who wasn’t stopping to saying to SS9 « aren’t you sooooo sad not being able to touch the baby ? You know that you can touch mine, we are family» (I’m really careful with my baby hygiene while SIL doesn’t even care). They were texting / calling me to say the same stupid things and everything was all about SS9, never about « how is the baby ». Seems like baby is not their grandson and nephew, just MY baby.
It was soo stressful i finally decided to blacklist the two of them and that was a relief.
Now, i’ve phoned DH grandmother and grand aunt for new year. The only thing that came out of their mouth was « how is SS9? You know you have to be really careful with his feelings, you got a baby, that soooo disturbing, your priority must be his well-being cause he is in a really bad position ». They told me to be careful with school works to prevent any potential signs of droppout. And even asked to do lot of efforts to keep THEIR family united. (I guess they were referring to blacklist)
I’m not ok with that. I just have a baby. Why these people don’t even ask for him? He is family too after all, same « blood links ». Who are they to ask a new mother to sacrifice her child, her first moments as a young mother to prioritise SS9 well-being?
Are these people crazy ? It’s BM and DH job but not mine ! Of course i’m not letting SS9 down but sorry, my priority is baby, not SS9 « well-being » and i’m well too exhausted to sacrifice myself.
My baby has reflux (before that, he spent his first days in intensive care and when we came back home he get SS9 cold thanks to DH stupidity). I barely sleep 3 hours a day, so listening to such things is depressing me a LOT.
I feel like my baby is THE problem, and that i should fix it.
Thanks for reading me, as i need support.
Yikes, I had a SIL that was
Yikes, I had a SIL that was also pregnant at the same time as me. I think my in laws have seen SD12 more than my child. That's fine with me, they bring so much stress to my life and DH's. SD has spent more time with her cousins than her sister.
In laws love to act high and mighty and tell you have to parent and stepparent. Why don't they ask your DH to stay on top of the schoolwork? I swear in laws are always trying to correct some injustice against stepkids and they end up spoiling the kid and annoying the stepparent to the point they check out.
Who cares what advice they give and what they expect from you. You focus on YOUR BABY. SS got that undivided attention and focus when he was a baby, yours deserves it too. SS has two other parents that can worry about him. If they say anything again remind them that SD has his own parents and you are focusing on cherishing having your own baby.
Yikes. I really get where you
Yikes. I really get where you’re coming from with the reflux. DD3 had reflux and used to scream and spew when she was laid flat. Which meant I was holding her upright for at least half an hour every feed. And teaching baby self settling was thrown right out the window. The paediatrician said it’ll go away at the 6 month mark when they can sit up. Only DD didn’t get over it until past a year. Point is that she eventually did and the reflux stage does end. She walks into her own bedroom and sleeps through the night these days. Hang in there new mumma!
If your baby is anything like mine you’re probably running on fumes right now. Lucky to get sleep in 2 hour chunks at a time and stressing whether or not the next feed will stay down. Your only focus should be on your baby and yourself. Take care of yourself so you can take care of your baby. SS has his own parents. As for the in-laws, just accept that those nutters are nutters and you’re better off without them. Their disinterest is no reflection on your baby, it’s just a sign of their dysfunction. And your baby is better off with people who genuinely care.
Don't chase after these
Don't chase after these people. Heck, stop talking to them.
I used to think DH's family was close knit... time has shown they are actually enmeshed and very dysfunctional. I only talk to his uncle's wife. She's a second wife as well and his family still reminisces about good times with his ex wife even though she should be on a sex offenders list. They turn a blind eye to that. and occasionally call his current wife by the ex-wife's name. My GMIL said my DH should have never had more children (our daughter) so his other kids could be there instead.
Unfortunately my daughter is not going to have a grandmother like I did. My mom has her issues and MIL has issues as well. I do plan on limiting my daughter's contact with MIL because I know she is going to eventually tell my daughter things that will get her cut off for good. There is no grandfather figure on DH's side. My dad has a great bond with my daughter.
I have friends who will be more stable family for my daughter than the blood related ones.
I will add, I didn't let my
I will add, I didn't let my SS touch my daughter as a baby either because he was unhygienic and would be physically aggressive or inappropriate to other children younger than him.
I can relate
Wow. Reading this I realize a lot of us experience the same issues. And here I thought I was always alone.
I was pregnant with my firsts baby at the same time as my sister in law. In laws basically ignored me too. And when my son was born wow. Their negativity and cruelty was so apparent. They even claimed I changed after I had my own baby (changed towards the stepchildren according to them) this was t true. I simply wanted to enjoy my child too.
anyway you have to be strong and stand for what you believe. To the in-laws you will always be wrong. You will never please them and they always find so,etching wrong with you. That's just the way it is. You be the best mom you can be and enjoy your baby. It goes by so fast. You want to make happy memories with your son.
This happened with me as well
This happened with me as well with BOTH my kids. After my first was born all everyone cared about was SD. I had serious post partum after my son was born and the fact that nobody cared made it worse. It has been 8 years and my in-laws still treat my SD like she's more important and my son has autism you would think they would care that my son needs help but they don't. My H has a few close family members one of them I refuse to be around another one passed away last year (He used to give BM money and not tell H, did all kinds of stuff for SD that he didn't do for mine) and his dad I can't avoid but needless to say my father in law won't do anything with my kids unless SD is there. He'll only take pictures when SD is there and I've had to practically beg him to help with mine. I don't have much contact because even when he comes here and SD is with her mom he's sitting on the couch pouting the SD isn't here. I'm just want to tell him to leave. So I understand where you're coming from and this might continue. If I were you I'd stay away from his family because it's really horrible what they are doing. It's very damaging not only to you but your marriage as well.
Wow... many thanks for all
Wow... many thanks for all your support. I couldn't imagine that it was a pretty common situation stepmons were also dealing with, after the birth of their own child.
I feel less lonely even if i'm sorry all of you went througt same kind of things.
Yes baby has reflux, which means i have to carry him at least one hour after every single meal. And he has some crisis during night (even with a proclive mattress). All my energy goes there and i just feel so vulnerable and sorry for him. Especially since i known it will last several months before he stands up.
I don't even have enough energy to properly take care of myself, how can people ask me to prioritise SS9?
Not to mention SS9 school results. He always has been weak, thanks to BM education (TV morning and night, phone, video game etc, no books at home, no intellectual stipulation..). He is predestined to fail since years and that should be my falt now ?
And you're right, that situation is really depressing for my marriage too. DH is really ennoyed by all these thought and even if he has my back, sometimes i see how sad he is. He has concerns about SS9 feeling rejected thanks to in-laws pression.
I should cut ties with his entire family, otherwise, what would family reunions will look like for my baby ? They are treating him as if he was an illegitimate son. That's my feeling.
Without mentioning that MIL, SIL and BM got verry close since my baby birth. They used to have bad relationship, but now everything get miraculously fixed. No more figths.
BM finds comfort with them and i'm sure they all criticize me. To tell you, i used to have great relation with BM and we had our first fight for christmas in more than 3 years.
I'm really worried about my marriage as i don't know if DH will handle such pression. He already has a huge depression the fist year we met, i hope it will not start all over again.
As with my dad’s large
As with my dad’s large dysfunctional family, they seem close but they’re really not. Not when push comes to shove. You won’t think that looking at their Facebook feeds and the way they feed off each other. Your DH’s family may be just like that. The image they want to project is just an image. If you think about it - do you really want to be included in that?
I’m very sure I had undiagnosed postnatal depression after DD’s birth. And depression is part of the reason why I felt I couldn’t speak out and say I had it, I need help. If you feel like you can’t speak to your partner at least speak to your GP about any concerns you may have and get support for yourself. I wish I did it. I didn’t enjoy any of DD’s first year and looking back over the photos I wish I took more but I just was not in the mood. And I’ll never be able to redo that time. Don’t worry about your DH’s possible depression over your very real stresses right now. You can’t look after someone else until you’re in an alright spot. Just think of oxygen masks in planes. Fix one to your face before you help others.
Try baby-wearing or a swing
Try baby-wearing or a swing for the reflux. The portable swing was the best gift I got; I could carry it from room to room. Also, try colic-ease but okay it with your Dr. Workd wonders with getting the meds down and settling the stomach for DS.
My second baby was perfectly
My second baby was perfectly healthy, but I expected my husband to deal with any issues my first son was having while I cared for #2. It doesn't have anything to do with being a SM, it has to do with being a mom. I think it was a wonderful time for them to get closer.
Wayne Dyer said it best,
Wayne Dyer said it best, "Family, that bothersome tribe."
If your family is happy then focus on that. Unfortunately he may not be close to his paternal side of the family. Honestly this could happen even if your baby were ss's full sibling. Some family members are horrible at favortism while saying, "I love all my grandkids the same." ExMil is like this and it used to be hurtful that my kids would always be second after her daughters children. Now she favors one of my kids who has become successful in sports, and she barely acknowledges the other ones.
When they ask how ss is doing, just say that he's settling into the big brother role nicely. When they ask about his school, let them know that DH is working with him. No need to expound, learn how to pivot and change the subject. Sorry DH is depressed, it sounds like all the family drama isn't helping. I wouldn't cut them off but I would step back and become more involved in your own family since they are loving and supportive of your son.
Congrats on your new baby.
Congrats on your new baby.
First rule of thumb is DH is the one who calls his parents, HE is the one to call his siblings, HE is the one to take care of his bio child ie your step child. HE is the one who buys gifts for his parents, HE is the one who sends them photos---NOT YOU.
Frankly you do not have to have them call you if they are being crappy to you.
So, do yourself a huge favor---hand dh's family to to HIM. Let him deal with them for all things, ok?
You handle your bio family, he handles his.
*edit to add---lets say they text you for baby pictures. Send cute text back, "Hi,
please text dh, K. He is sending out all his family pics when they ask him'..gotta run baby is crying 
YES! I am pregnant and we are
YES! I am pregnant and we are expecting in April. When we FIRST announced to our families, it was "Congrats!" But also in the SAME breath "How is SD dealing with it?" I think with SD everyone knows she is a more 'difficult' child. They already know the answer. Do you expect me to say "OMG SHE'S OVER THE MOON!" Um, no. You know she is an attention seeking child, so she has been negative about the WHOLE experience.
"Babies are annoying" "I don't want to share my bathroom" "He's YOUR responsibility" "He's going to take all the attention" etc. etc. etc.
It was really frustrating because I felt like SD was taking away from the experience. Now that I'm approaching my 3rd trimester, *thankfully* people have stopped really asking. I'm sure once he is here, the questions will resurface again... :/ I just try to keep it short and change the subject. There is no sense on dwelling on the negative.
Our daughter will be 2 in a
Our daughter will be 2 in a couple of days and son 1 next month. His daughter.. the golden child 6 gets the same treatment.
BFs mom through a baby shower for daughter in law. We had a wedding out fo town and offered our kids to go since the entire family would be there. Not his weekend with his daughter.. His mom went and picked her up for the weekend. Day of party as we are enroute to a 7 hr away wedding and kids are now with my mom throwing a fit and calling us non stop because she at least wants our 2 yr old. BF got upset and let his mom know it and her response was she knew it was coming from me and how pathetic it was that I was jealous of a 6 year old girl.
That was the day his mother and I's relationship changed forever because I told her she could shove her grand daughter right up her ass!
I get it
DH has older kids; we have a toddler, so I get it.... My advice to you is to try to disengage from DH's family. I think they've shown you who they are and what they care about, and for your own health and happiness, try to accept it and move on. For example, you now know that when you communicate with them, they will say all the wrong things and trigger you, so avoid communicating with them if you can. Let DH deal with his family and SS9. Build your support system elswhere - your family and friends. People who support and uplift YOU in this most challenging time as a new mom! Infants are so hard and so precious and this time is so fleeting, so focus on the good and do your best to seperate yourself from the bad. It worked for me pretty well. :)
Thanks all for your comment,
Thanks all for your comment,
I got a difficult night and day since my baby has reflux and it's hard to male him sleep. Thanksfully my family supports me a lot and from now, i'm going to focus on people who brings joy and love as you said.
I've decided to fully disengage with SS9 and only keep good moments with him (chat, play etc..). i'm done with parenting and step-parenting cause you make me realise it would never be enough.
However, i've discovered one another thing. DH and SIL don't speek to their father since many years (he was a horrible alcoholic father). However, their he always sent money for SS9 and now for my SIL's baby. MIL manage the money and decide what to buy. I was convinced this man would send money for my baby too but apparently he only gave to SS9 ans SIL's baby. I'm sure MIL steal my son's part as well.
What should i do ? Contact this man?
I'm annoyed to not thanks him as he thinks my baby received his part.
Please don't contact DH's
Please don't contact DH's father. That is completely his relationship to sort out. If you are concerned about your baby's financial affairs I suggest you start a savings account for him now and when family/friends ask what he needs/wants for birthdays/holidays, let them know they have the option to contribute to his education/savings fund.
Hi Still learning,
Hi Still learning,
I appologize as i might express myself not clearly (english is not my native language and i was pretty tired last night/early morning).
What i meant is that i'm pretty sure DH's father sends regular money for the three of his grandchildren and that MIL must deflect my baby's part.
Also, i precedently had the intention to call him to let him know about my baby birth (DH agrees as his father aldready know about SS9 even if he never met him), and maybe i would know more about it.
I'm thinking of that because we already had a precedent with DH's father money and MIL : oncr she bought a gift for SS9 birthday with DH father's money without saying this money was from him and we discovered it.
And sure i know how to manage my baby financials but thanks for advice ☺️