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Still pulling my hair out

MK@813's picture

My husband and I always end up arguing or in our current situation I actually MOVED out and made my SD (19yrs old) move in with my husband. I have a BIG family home. I have 3 grown sons and 2 daughters of my own. I also raised my 2 SD's now 18&19. My kids ALL paid rent as soon as they turned 18 in my home. Well when my husband and I moved out into what was supposed to be our new beginning (as all are kids are grown ups now). My SD stayed in my family home (mastersuit) with the agreement that she would pay $200 @month which includes $40 for her cellphone on our account BTW. UNTIL she graduated and got a job. As soon as she got a job making $15 an hour plus does hair and eyelashes ALL WORK FROM HOME. She takes her dad out to lunch (her tactic) and tells her dad I'm going to charge her REAL RENT... As her and I had agreed (she didn't mention that part to him of course). I record every conversation with her because in the past that is what has saved my marriage. He will believe her over me without skipping a beat. So like always he promised she wouldn't have to pay RENT... This time he tells me well I will pay for her rent... wait we share every penny and he got mad at me... so this time instead of arguing I MOVED BACK TO MY HOUSE MY MASTER BEDROOM and made her move in with him. Now he is struggling to pay all the bills and rent at our townhouse. I'm doing GREAT because my home is paid off and I have 3 rental incomes. She manipulates him and lies. I'm just tired I thought once she was an adult this would at least get better meaning he would include me in especially financial decisions NOT her. My son lives in my main house and pays $1200 a month. I have the recorded conversation I just don't know if I even want to go through this anymore????


JRI's picture

Wow, I'm impressed!  I'm sure lots of us Stalkers will say dump him.  That's your decision but if you do decide to take him back, wait a little so he can pay, pay, pay and finally get the picture.  Good luck!

MK@813's picture

He is feeling it with his money. Also mentioned how the place is dirty. She never cleans up especially not after herself. He use to say I had OCD and they would both laugh at me. Wonder who is laughing now? No more laundry or cooking for me. I'm actually enjoying this time alone.

hereiam's picture

He will believe her over me without skipping a beat.

That's what stood out to me (besides him saying that he would pay her rent, which means, she doesn't pay rent). I would be very offended if my DH believed his daughter over me unless I recorded the damn converstation.

Like JRI says, it's your decision. You obviously don't need him, financially (but he sure needs you). Is whatever else he brings to the table worth the bullshit?

MK@813's picture

Yes numerous times I've recorded her because he will take her side against me 9 out 10 times. Even with recording he once told me that he didn't want to hear it because he didn't want to hear his baby talking like that. She is his favorite and he tells her and his other bio daughter that.  It's mini wife syndrome. If we would argue when she was 8 or 9 she would get in between us and start arguing too. I would have to tell her to leave OUR room and shut up like the other children did. She has been the cause of 4 break ups we have had. It's not her fault it's his. She has no respect for me because of him!

MK@813's picture

At this point the lease is up in January and if he decides to keep the townhome I will take my name off lease. At that point he is choosing her over me and I'm done. I thought and agreed till 18. NO MORE 

MK@813's picture

At this point the lease is up in January and if he decides to keep the townhome I will take my name off lease. At that point he is choosing her over me and I'm done. I thought and agreed till 18. NO MORE 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

That's a given ('tho 'nads would be preferable...). But he definitely deserves to be living what he has been denying. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture


youdonotdefineme's picture

Well played!  Boo hoo his house is a mess.  Boo hoo he has no money.

edited to add - world's tiniest violin