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Prom Day - Happy Friday Ladies

Stick's picture

Today is SD's prom! DH has been away for 8 weeks for work and was supposed to be gone another 2, but just flew in for the day to be able to see her off.

SD had a little breakdown last month, worrying that her dad wouldn't be here for her graduation, etc. So he decided to fly in. He got home at 11:30a this morning, and leaves at 8:00a tomorrow! But we have him until then!

We are going to all be having fun, helping SD get ready. Even BM is coming over to share in the festivities!

Anyway - happy Friday ladies and I hope you all are doing well. Have a good weekend! (And wish me luck not to trip BM "accidentally" down the stairs!) Wink


sweetthing's picture

Hey Stick! I hope that your step daughter has an amazing prom & I am so glad her dad can be there. You are a too good of a person to do more than fantasize about tripping her. Smile

Have a great Friday too!

Wicked.Step.Monster's picture

PROM! Yay!!! I hope your SD has a wonderful time!!! Perfectson's prom last month was great (DH, me and 2 other sets of parents went spying on prom! heehee) although I was worried sick since I let him drive MY car. It must have been fun since he came home at 1:30 the next afternoon! LOL

Give your girl a big hug, tell her she's beautiful and to go make memories and have the time of her life!!!!