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You think you're over it....BUT

glynne's picture

Ny poor coworker. She has a blind date. She tells me about him, right age, good job, owns home AND has a 7 year old daughter.

I stop her right there and verbally vomit all over her about stepparenting. How birth parents parent out of guilt, about PAS, about how she will never be #1, how SK's become spoiled and manipulative - ESPECAILY GIRLS. How step parenting was the hardest and the least rewarding thing I have ever done and if I had it to do over - I wouldn't.

I stopped when I noticed her just staring at me. Poor thing - she hasn't even met the guy! LOL So I calmed myself down and apololgized.
I thought that I had resolved my resentment towards DH and SD - GUESS NOT!

Do we/have any of you managed to get past this? I've been married and been a SM for 17 years! SD has been out of the house for over 3 just about 4 years now and I began disengaging over 5 years ago.

Unbelievable that I still carry this around with me!


Pantera's picture

My DH has a friend that is going to marry a woman with a 5 year old son. DH asked me if I had any advice for him (DH is stupid sometimes, lol) and I said "RUN!!! RUN for your life!!!". We all laughed it off, but I wasn't kidding, lol.