Venting again..swear this brat is the spawn of satan
Due to Father's Day falling on BM's weekend I'm blessed to have the brat THREE weekend in a row then three full weeks extra due to vacation time.
I swear SS13 can't go five minutes without doing something to piss me off. Tonight DH and step brat decided they wanted to play with lightsabers in the back yard. I have a few tomato plates growing by our back deck. Of course the brat picks right next to my tomato plants to "battle" and of course the plants got hit. One would think DH would have common sense to keep SS away from my plants to begin with since we have a huge yard to play in. SS response was " you have more than one plant it's no big deal" no apology just a rude comment and walked away. Honestly I wanted to grab that light saber and crack the brat over the head!
I have to hide all my poor dogs toys when SS13 comes over as SS will either tease the dog or play SUPER rough with them and break them. Yes I've told SS to stop and all SS does is glare at me and tell me to stop telling him to stop and keeps doing it.
DH's response to all this is to Sigh loudly when I tell him this and say this is just how boys are. Not sure who I want to strangle more my DH or step brat. Give me strength to get through the next 5 weeks of hell
Lazy arse parenting produces shitty kids
With no manners, respect for others and tend to end up with i am centre of the universe mentality.. they expect everything goes their way.
your husband infuriates me!! I just re-landscaped our backyard on my own and planted heeps of veggies and some flowers, if some twit damaged my plants i would effin lose it!! Because thats my hard work and sweat and for your husband to go (well you got several so who cares 1 got damaged) just shows he doesn’t respect you!!
i also suspect the sighing when you tell him off about shitty things his kid does is him feeling you non stop nag because he wants to be the cool dad with no responsibilities or structure and discipline of his kid!!
That makes your DH Satan then
That makes your DH Satan then, right - since he's created and enables this lousy attitude of SS's? I'd have no more love or respect for someone who cared so little about my needs and feelings.
The fact that your DH allowed
The fact that your DH allowed his son to speak to any adult like that, especially his wife, is insane. Zero respect for a shit dad and a shit husband like that. I don't know how you're hanging in there.
He sounds awful. Your DH that
He sounds awful. Your DH that is. Can't expect SS to treat you with respect if DH doesn't.
Rather than a light saber to
Rather than a light saber to the head this kid needs a belt to the butt. And a father with the brains and testicular fortitude to parent instead of coddle and facilitate the snarky lippy kid shit.
Time to look for a worthy partner for yourself.