One more round
Hello all! Its been a while since I've posted because SO and I broke up for almost a year but recently started seeing each other again. I wouldn't say that we're back together per se, but spending time together. After months of inner reflection, I believe that one root cause of our issues boils down to the fact that I'm a childless by choice woman and he is a family man. Every decision I make for my life excludes kids. Every decision he makes for his life includes kids.
SD is now 22, recently graduated from college, and already has a full time job as an accountant making more than enough money to launch. SS is now 18, recently graduated from high school, and also has a full time job making more than enough money to launch. SO has invited them to live at home for as long as they need - rent free. He has the right to make these decisions for himself and his adult children all day long. I have the right not to live with them as well. Our original plan was to wait until his kids were capable of independence to get married. That plan is obviously in the trash, not that we shoud be talking about marriage right now anyway.
Lots of people would argue that I shouldn't be part of his life if this is how I feel because I've known he has kids all along. I could counter-argue that he has known all along that I didn't want kids, but I made a genuine attempt to bond and blend anyway. We've both tried to walk away several times, yet we both keep coming back together. Its strange who the heart chooses to love. The sound of his voice and his laugh still make my heart flutter despite the fact I wish he'd get hit by a bus at times. (Not really so don't blow me up.) *ROFL*
I've decided that for now, my boundary is that I will spend time with just him and he has to do all the traveling since we can't have privacy at his house. We live over an hour apart. SKIDs are grown now and do not factor into our relationship at all whether they live at home or not. I don't believe its a good idea for me to spend any time around them until he and I are on solid footing and even then it will be for short periods of time only until trust and respect are rebuilt. (There was a big blow up between me and SD that was never resolved.)
I have no clue how to make this work so I'm taking it one day at a time. One thing I know for sure is that I'm not interested in being a SM any more than I'm interested in being BM. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that and he will have to find a way to accept me for who I am. I too will have to learn to accept him for who he is. We have a long row to hoe.
It's hard when you too look
It's hard when you too look at life in two very different ways. You either both have to compromise and probably compromise where it hurts or it will not work. And sometimes, love just is not enough.
For now I'm just enjoying
For now I'm just enjoying being on good terms with him again without the SKIDs around. If he wants to re-commit, he'll have to participate in building a strategy he can commit to. He doesn't like change so I don't expect him to be able to decide what he can compromise on any time soon. In the meantime, I'm enjoying the positive changes I made in the time we were apart.
At some point, if the
At some point, if the relationship continues, you'll probably have to include kids (and grandkids) in your life. What do holidays look like? Gift giving? How often does he want to spend time with them, and do you also spend time with them or not?
There's not a one-size-fits all answer. Spend some time reading the Adult Stepkids forum to see what your future might look like. THere are step kids in their 30s, 40s, and 50s still causing problems in a parent's marriage.
Eyes wide open. And be very, very careful not to lose yourself in all this.
Good points to ponder
Those are great questions. I already see how this is all going to go down if SD continues to be a problem and he continues to coddle her. I won't have a relationship with her. That will be an easy decision for me because he has a lake house where they can all gather and as an introvert I can enjoy my 'me time.' He will be forced to split his time for holidays and will either explicitly or secretly blame me for being the problem because she's just a kid and I'm the adult. We'll fight and break up over and over. SMs are always the monsters no matter what.
OR, I can refuse to contort myself the way I did before, lead a full and happy life outside of my relationship with him, and support his strange need to spend an excessive amount of time with his adults, thus getting all the best of him without having to deal with the bad parts of him. I'm already a financially independent woman with great friends and I just bought a project house so I've got plenty to do.
I'll tell you if I'm still feeling this strong tomorrow. LOL
Child centric personalities
Child centric personalities and non child cenrric personalities really have no business coupling. The odds of it working out well for either personality are slim and none.
Perents tend to regravitate towards their children as they progress into late retirement age while non child centric individuals rarely gain any interest in children, grandchildren, etc.....
Are the occassional heart flutters worth your happiness in the long term?
All IMHO of course.